Search Search Results You could also try: writer (40), novelist (2), person responsible (85), person behind (37) High rate of blood clots in COVID-19 DescriptionA study by Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) has supported the use of blood thinners to treat some COVID-19Url/about/news/2020/05-19-high-rate-of-blood-clots-in-covid-19.aspx Many postmenopausal UK women have disappointing sex lives DescriptionLess than a quarter of postmenopausal UK women are sexually active and a mere 3% are happy with their sex lifeUrl/about/news/2019/07-10-many-postmenopausal-uk-women-have-disappointing-sex-lives.aspx Link between common 'harmless' virus and cardiovascular damage DescriptionResearchers from BSMS have found an unexpectedly close link between a herpes virus and the occurrence of immune cells damaging cardiovascularUrl/about/news/2018/08-13-link-between-common-harmless-virus-and-cardiovascular-damage.aspx GP waiting rooms should provide better health education materials DescriptionEffectiveness of health education materials in general practice waiting roomsUrl/about/news/2018/10-23-gp-waiting-rooms-should-provide-better-health-education-materials.aspx Health conference Submission_guidelines_2017 Descriptionhealth conference 8 december 2017 submission guidelinesUrl/_word-docs/health-conference-submission-guidelines-2017.docx Incredible Unlikeliness of Being DescriptionIncredible Unlikeliness of BeingUrl/about/events/2016/10-21-incredible-unlikeliness-of-being.aspx Fulbright Award takes sickle cell researcher to US DescriptionFulbright Award takes sickle cell researcher to USUrl/about/news/2016/07-19-fulbright-award-takes-sickle-cell-researcher-to-us.aspx New leadership and commissioning digest launched DescriptionThe Division of Medical Education has published a new digest of dissertations exploring change in leadership and commissioning of health andUrl/about/news/2015/06-04-new-leadership-and-commissioning-digest-launched.aspx Brighton Festival debate a great success Description'Facing Cancer', the BSMS debate at the Brighton Festival, has been heralded as a great success.Url/about/news/2015/05-27-brighton-festival-debate-a-great-success.aspx Online resources DescriptionAccess to online resources, including research information and images.Url/about/library/online-resources.aspx 81 to 90 of 264 Previous … 7 8 9 10 11 … Next