Search Search Results You could also try: irritated (5), angry (8), irritable (10), annoyed (2) Dr Roelof Joe Stammeijer DescriptionDr Roelof Joe Stammeijer is a Lecturer in Medical Education and Associate Specialist in Forensic Psychiatry at Brighton and Sussex MedicalUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-roelof-joe-stammeijer.aspx Staff spotlight: Professor Di Lawrence-Watt DescriptionMeet Professor Di Lawrence-Watt, former Head of Anatomy.Url/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/professor-di-lawrence-watt.aspx Lifestyle and Cognitive Health DescriptionThis in-person event will explore the importance of a healthy lifestyle for maintaining optimal cognitive health and reducing the riskUrl/about/events/2023/07-13-lifestyle-and-cognitive-health.aspx HRP Partnership News April 2022 DescriptionHRP Partnership News April 2022Url/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-partnership-news-april-2022.pdf CHILLY-AF DescriptionInformation about the CHILLY-AF study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/chilly-af.aspx New fellowship programme in Africa and UK will boost global health leadership DescriptionBSMS and partners in the UK and Africa will work a new £11.8m PhD fellowship programme to train a newUrl/about/news/2021/12-01-new-fellowship-programme-in-africa-and-uk-will-boost-global-health-leadership.aspx Not just neglected but forgotten. Tackling diseases of poverty in pursuit of UHC: a new strategy for Podoconiosis DescriptionA panel of leading advocates, experts, practitioners, and funders consider the steps necessary to tackle podoconiosis.Url/about/events/2021/05-12-not-just-neglected-but-forgotten.aspx Prof Sarah Newbury's research team DescriptionProf Sarah Newbury heads a team engaged in ground-breaking research into the genetic control pathways regulating key cellular processes.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/prof-sarah-newburys-research-team.aspx £3.5m foundation launched in Brighton to fight tropical diseases DescriptionA new foundation to end the neglect of three tropical disease has been launched at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMSUrl/about/news/2020/01-30-multi-million-pound-foundation-launched-in-brighton-to-fight-tropical-diseases.aspx Precision maps reveal widespread distribution of disabling neglected tropical disease in Rwanda DescriptionGeographical distribution and prevalence of podoconiosis in Rwanda: a cross-sectional country-wide surveyUrl/about/news/2019/03-27-precision-maps-reveal-widespread-distribution-of-disabling-neglected-tropical-disease-in-rwanda.aspx 51 to 60 of 161 Previous … 4 5 6 7 8 … Next