Search Search Results You could also try: backdrop (11), setting (686), milieu (2), environment (366), surroundings (5), conditions (500), upbringing (1) 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' Brighton Fringe festival 2024: Student engagement activities DescriptionWe have teamed up with the local arts charity SameSky to explore how we can use the power of the artsUrl/about/events/2024/03-27-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different-brighton-fringe-festival-2024-online-information-session.aspx BSMS PG Prospectus 2024-25 DescriptionPostgraduate prospectus for the year 2024-2025Url/_pdf/postgraduate/bsms-pg-prospectus-2024-25.pdf Anatomy Night: Matters of the Heart DescriptionJoin us for a very special Valentine's Day event, as our anatomy team explore the scientific wonders of the heart.Url/about/events/2024/02-14-anatomy-valentines-night-matters-of-the-heart.aspx In Focus - Connie Lin DescriptionRead our student interview with Connie LinUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-connie-lin.aspx Knowledge Exchange at BSMS DescriptionWe define Knowledge Exchange as a two-way flow of skills, expertise and information between the Universities of Sussex, BSMS andUrl/research/knowledge-exchange.aspx Inspirational women of BSMS DescriptionMeet the Inspirational women of BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-of-bsms.aspx Time for Dementia: An innovation in dementia education DescriptionIn November's lecture, Yvonne Feeney will discuss the learning experiences for students in the Time for Dementia programme.Url/about/events/2023/11-01-time-for-dementia-an-innovation-in-dementia-education.aspx Helix of Love: book launch DescriptionJoin us to celebrate the publication of Helix of Love – a collection of poems written by parents of children with rareUrl/about/events/2023/09-21-helix-of-love-book-launch.aspx Stigma Working Group DescriptionBSMS staff in the Global Health and Infection Department have formed an interdisciplinary Stigma Working GroupUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/stigma-working-group.aspx Lucy Matthews DescriptionLucy Matthews is Clinical Trials Coordinator at SHORE-C at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/lucy-matthews.aspx 491 to 500 of 735 Previous … 48 49 50 51 52 … Next