Search Search Results You could also try: eliminate (42), eradicate (8), detach (2), cut off (21) BSMS Safeguarding Policy March 2021 AC DescriptionBSMS safeguarding policyUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-safeguarding-policy-march-2021-ac.pdf Developing a code list_7.1 DescriptionA guide to developing code listsUrl/_word-docs/developing-a-code-list-7.1.docx BSMS Athena SWAN Department Application Silver 2017 for public distribution DescriptionBSMS Athena SWAN Department Application Silver 2017 for public distributionUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-athena-swan-department-application-silver-2017-for-public-distribution.pdf Green Impact DescriptionLearn more about Green Impact, a scheme which supports and enables teams all over the country to create more sustainable workingUrl/about/green-impact.aspx BMJ letter renews call for safety warnings on Call the Midwife DescriptionA joint letter renews call for the popular BBC programme Call the Midwife to add safety warnings on its episodes whichUrl/about/news/2024/02-28-bmj-letter-renews-call-for-safety-warnings-on-call-the-midwife.aspx SID resource pack DescriptionSussex Integrated Dataset informationUrl/_pdf/pcph/sid-resource-pack.pdf Inspirational women: Dr Sarah Garfinkel DescriptionMeet Dr Sarah GarfinkelUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-sarah-garfinkel.aspx Dr Anna Jones DescriptionDr Anna Jones is Clinical Teaching Fellow: Project Lead for Sustainable Healthcare in undergraduate Med Ed at Brighton and Sussex MedicalUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-anna-jones.aspx BSMS becomes the first UK medical school to livestream human dissection DescriptionBSMS becomes the first medical school in the UK to live stream footage of cadaveric donors being dissected in a secureUrl/about/news/2020/10-02-bsms-becomes-the-first-uk-medical-school-to-livestream-human-dissection.aspx CT-patient-information-guide DescriptionCT patient information guideUrl/_pdf/cisc/ct-patient-information-guide.pdf 41 to 50 of 102 Previous … 3 4 5 6 7 … Next