Search Search Results You could also try: warn (37), advise (152), alert (26), caution (9), hint (4) In Focus - Matt Stavrou DescriptionRead our student interview with Matt StavrouUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-matt-stavrou.aspx Music, Activism and Conversation: Exploring Menstrual Health DescriptionBSMS is hosting an evening of music, activism and conversation around menstrual health and human rightsUrl/about/events/2022/10-05-menstrual-health.aspx GP Teachers Meeting DescriptionCome and meet the GP team at BSMS and hear about the opportunities available for general practitioners.Url/about/events/2019/06-26-gp-teachers-meeting.aspx Let's Talk About Death DescriptionAs part of the annual Brighton Festival, BSMS are holding a debate about the taboo subject of death.Url/about/events/2016/05-22-lets-talk-about-death.aspx Alumni in Focus - Matthew Quin DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Matthew Quin, Public Health postgraduate alumnusUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-matthew-quin.aspx OneSizeFits1 Student engagement session no.1 DescriptionOneSizeFits1 Student engagement session no.1 slidesUrl/_pdf/about/events/onesizefits1-student-engagement-session-no.1.pdf Eulogy FINAL DescriptionEulogy for Maho finalUrl/_pdf/global-health/eulogy-final.pdf Paediatrics DescriptionOur internationally recognised research into childhood asthma has brought significant progress within a short space of time.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/paediatrics/index.aspx Researchers consult with citizens about 'unlocking health data' DescriptionResearchers at BSMS are involved in a project that consults with citizens on unlocking health data.Url/about/news/2023/01-30-researchers-consult-with-citizens-about-unlocking-health-data.aspx Inspirational women: Professor Andrea Pepper DescriptionMeet Andrea Pepper, Professor of Cancer BiologyUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/professor-andrea-pepper.aspx 41 to 50 of 98 Previous … 3 4 5 6 7 … Next