Search Search Results You could also try: put (205), rest (78), lay (113), leave (233), position (336), set (551) Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2021/06-12-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx BSMS Social Science Forum: TB in Town 2 DescriptionIntroducing the BSMS Social Science Forum series, a new series of events for 2021Url/about/events/2021/01-21-bsms-social-science-forum-tb-in-town-2.aspx BSMS minimum Windows or Mac laptop specification 2020 entry v6 DescriptionBSMS minimum Windows or Mac laptop specification 2020 entry v6Url/_pdf/about/bsms-minimum-windows-or-mac-laptop-specification-2020-entry-v6.pdf Take Me With You: a museum of friendship, remembrance and loss DescriptionThis event is the latest in our Ethics and Performance series of lectures and seminars.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2016-02-18-take-me-with-you.aspx BSMS gains surgical training centre status DescriptionBSMS announces new partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) to deliver surgical training in Brighton.Url/about/news/2020/02-12-bsms-gains-surgical-training-centre-status.aspx Disabling foot disease highlighted in The Lancet DescriptionThe Lancet is featuring a photostory on a neglected tropical disease that brings pain and disability to millions of people.Url/about/news/2019/09-18-disabling-foot-disease-highlighted-in-the-lancet.aspx Virtual work experience programme shortlisted for Award DescriptionThe BSMS Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme has been shortlisted as a finalist for the UK Social Mobility Awards 2020.Url/about/news/2020/07-29-virtual-work-experience-scheme-shortlisted-for-award.aspx The Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society is Brighton's historic medical society.Url/about/brighton-and-sussex-medico-chirurgical-society.aspx An Insight into Medical School Admissions Tests - online talk DescriptionAn online, introductory overview of medical school admissions tests (UCAT/BMAT).Url/about/events/2020/07-30-an-insight-into-medical-school-admissions-tests.aspx Getting into Medicine - online talk DescriptionAn online talk designed to provide an overview of the admissions processes for medicine.Url/about/events/2020/07-07-getting-into-medicine.aspx 471 to 480 of 774 Previous … 46 47 48 49 50 … Next