Search Search Results You could also try: knowledge (508), education (745), scholarship (75), culture (169), wisdom (9) Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme DescriptionThe launch event for our new Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme - a collaboration between HEE KSS, participating trusts and BSMS.Url/about/events/2021/11-25-multiprofessional-fellowship-programme.aspx Global Health Careers Virtual Event DescriptionJoin us at our virtual careers event to learn more from a team of renowned global health professionals as they discussUrl/about/events/2021/05-27-global-health-careers-virtual-event.aspx Continuing Professional Development DescriptionCPD at BSMSUrl/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/index.aspx Alumni in Focus - Mrs Scarlett McNally DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with graduate in Clinical Education Mrs Scarlett McNallyUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-mrs-scarlett-mcnally.aspx BSMS Monthly Lecture Series - Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMS DescriptionBSMS Monthly Lecture Series - Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMSUrl/about/events/2019/11-06-bsms-monthly-lecture-series-malcolm-reed-dean-of-bsms.aspx Bodies donated to medical science honoured in London memorial service DescriptionA memorial service at St Georges Cathedral in London honours more than 300 people who donated their bodies to medical scienceUrl/about/news/2019/05-17-bodies-donated-to-medical-science-honoured-in-memorial-service.aspx Follow your food DescriptionFollow your food - a live gut dissection event by the Anatomy team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/events/2019/05-30-follow-your-food.aspx 11th Annual Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network Symposium DescriptionInformation on the 11th Annual Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network SymposiumUrl/about/events/2018/11-19-11th-annual-paediatric-and-neonatal-research-network-symposium.aspx Global pharmacy leaflet 2018_final DescriptionGlobal pharmacy leaflet 2018_finalUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/global-pharmacy-leaflet-2018-final.pdf global_health_leaflet_2018 Descriptionglobal_health_leaflet_2018Url/_pdf/postgraduate/global-health-leaflet-2018.pdf 471 to 480 of 853 Previous … 46 47 48 49 50 … Next