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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Current Dementia Care Improvement Network activities 

Dementia Care Improvement Network activities

The activities from the Dementia Care Improvement Network.

four people sitting around a table taking part in a craft project, part of our improve fund

The KSS DCIN Improvement Fund

DCIN offered access to small pots of money for projects aiming to improve dementia care. This enabled teams and organisations to test ideas, pilot new models of care and share learning about what worked across different settings.

Our Dragon’s Den bidding process led to nine improvement Initiatives being funded. For more details of the project and to see the teams pitch to the Dragons follow the links below.’

1. Combatting loneliness in rural communities

This project ran by Selsey Care Shop aimed to reduce isolation by offering a range of services and support in the Selsey area. 

Read the final report here >
See a short summary report here > 
Selsey Care Shop website >

See Mike Nicholls and the team from Selsey Community forum pitch for funding at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 1st Network Event held in September 2018 below.  

Watch the final reports on the project below.


2. Using new technology to prevent hospital admissions

The Crisis support service used new technology ‘Docobo’ to remotely monitor residents and reduce hospital admissions. 

Read the final report here > 
See a short summary report here >

See Daniel and Claire pitch at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 1st Network Event held in September 2018 below.

See Samantha Robinson present report and feedback at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 3rd Network Event held in November 2019 below. This is also the final report on the project.


3. Participatory music making at the bedside

Rhythmix ran a 15 week programme of participatory music making at Crawley hospital.

Read the final report here >
See a short summary report here > 
Wishing well website >

See Alison and Jo’s pitch at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 1st Network Event held in September 2018 below.

Watch the final reports on the project below.


4. Relieving stress and anxiety in hospital using Lulla Dolls

Dementia Care team piloted the use of Lulla Dolls to reduce stress and anxiety in people living with dementia admitted to hospital.

Read the final report here > 
See a short summary report here >

See Elaine and Kathryn’s pitch at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 1st Network Event held in September 2018 below.

Watch the final reports on the project below.


5. Pop-up dementia information hubs

Worthing Dementia Action Alliance ran pop-up information hubs in a variety of settings to provide information on local services and benefits to people diagnosed with dementia, their family and carers.

Read the final report here >
See a short summary report here >
Dementia Action Alliance Worthing website >

See Lynsey Tran and Lynda Basford pitch for funding at KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 2nd Network Event held in April 2019 below.

Watch the final reports on the project below.


6. Learning and support for carers of people living with dementia

Admiral nurses, working with Age UK Medway ran carers education courses alongside a cognitive stimulation group at Age UK Medway Day centre.

Read the final report here >
See a short summary report here >

See Edith Megbele and Sheila Clarke pitch for funding at KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 2nd Network Event held in April 2019 below. 


7. A toolkit for Advanced Care Planning 

My Care Matters, researched and developed a prototype Advance Care Planning Toolkit for people to structure conversations about end of life care plans and decisions.

Read the final report here >
See a short summary report here >
My Care Matters website >

See Zoe’s pitch at the KSS Dementia Care Improvement Network’s 2nd Network Event held in April 2019 below.

Watch the final reports below.


8. Improving system working by actively networking health and social care workers

Proposal to host a Kent-wide multi-agency networking conference to improve referral pathways and holistic management of people living with dementia.

See Sean Edwards and Su Morris make their pitch below. 


9. Sensory stimulation with creative participation and crafting 

Fabrica (a Brighton centre for contemporary art) working in partnership with Woodingdean Medical Centre proposed a creative making and drawing project to support people living with dementia and their carers.

See Claire Hankinson and Darren Emilianos make their pitch below.

Fabrica website >