Search Search Results You could also try: judgment (38), ruling (52), result (487), sentence (15), decision (265), discovery (76) BSMS RGEC - Best Practice Guidance on Research Conducted Outside the UK v1 April 2021 DescriptionBSMS RGEC - Best Practice Guidance on Research Conducted Outside the UK v1 April 2021Url/_pdf/research/bsms-rgec-best-practice-guidance-on-research-conducted-outside-the-uk-v1-april-2021.pdf Inspirational women: Dr Sarah Garfinkel DescriptionMeet Dr Sarah GarfinkelUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-sarah-garfinkel.aspx 2. Docobo_final DescriptionThe Crisis support service used new technology 'Docobo' to remotely monitor residents and reduce hospital admissions.Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/2.-docobo-final.pdf Alumni in Focus - Dr Smruti Sinmyee DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Smruti SinmyeeUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-smruti-sinmyee.aspx DCIN reports 2. Docobo_final DescriptionDCIN report 2Url/_word-docs/cds/dcin-reports-2.-docobo-final.docx In Focus - Ollie Pentz DescriptionRead and watch our student interview with Ollie PentzUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-ollie-pentz.aspx Challenging stereotypes: Novel perspectives on autism DescriptionThis symposium seeks to challenge stereotyped views of autism, harnessing the lived experience of people with autism.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/challenging-stereotypes-novel-perspectives-on-autism.aspx What our Public Health students say DescriptionRead what our Public Health students have to say about our MSc course at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/public-health-student-views.aspx 3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2 Description3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2Url/_pdf/research/3.a.-bsms-rgec-faq-including-standard-risk-review-for-bsms-v2.pdf Simple blood test could one day diagnose motor neurone disease DescriptionScientists identify a potential pattern within blood which signals the presence of motor neuron disease; a discovery which could improve diagnosisUrl/about/news/2020/06-18-simple-blood-test-could-one-day-diagnose-motor-neurone-disease.aspx 391 to 400 of 927 Previous … 38 39 40 41 42 … Next