Search Search Results You could also try: move (274), transport (76), relocate (1), remove (102), shift (65), convey (10), transmit (49) G. BSMS RGEC Applicant Checklist Tool for Research Conducted Overseas v1 April 2021 DescriptionG. BSMS RGEC Applicant Checklist Tool for Research Conducted Overseas v1 April 2021Url/_word-docs/rgec/g.-bsms-rgec-applicant-checklist-tool-for-research-conducted-overseas-v1-april-2021.docx 3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2 Description3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2Url/_pdf/research/3.a.-bsms-rgec-faq-including-standard-risk-review-for-bsms-v2.pdf -material-transfer-agreement-standard-template-for-tissue.doc (CLEAN) 20190226_V1.2 Description-material-transfer-agreement-standard-template-for-tissue.doc (CLEAN) 20190226_V1.2Url/_word-docs/working-with-human-tissue/-material-transfer-agreement-standard-template-for-tissue.doc-clean-20190226-v1.2.docx BSMS Admissions, Widening Participation and Outreach Privacy Notice - January 2025 DescriptionPrivacy policy documentUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-admissions-widening-participation-and-outreach-privacy-notice-january-2025.pdf Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre (CISC) team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/meet-the-team.aspx Cancer research group celebrates two decades on Sussex campus DescriptionA research group that has helped change the way doctors deal with the psychological effects of cancer is celebrating two decadesUrl/about/news/2021/02-04-cancer-research-group-celebrates-two-decades-on-sussex-campus.aspx Delayed cord clamping improves health of babies born too early DescriptionA study by researchers at BSMS finds that delayed, rather than early, cord clamping may reduce the risk of death beforeUrl/about/news/2019/10-02-delayed-cord-clamping-improves-health-of-babies-born-too-early.aspx Alumni in Focus - Dr Lucy Diss DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with graduate Dr Lucy DissUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-lucy-diss.aspx Anatomy session proposal proforma DescriptionAnatomy Session Proposal ProformaUrl/_pdf/about/anatomy-session-proposal-proforma.pdf PIBIK Protocol DescriptionPIBIK ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/pibik-protocol.pdf 31 to 40 of 110 Previous … 2 3 4 5 6 … Next