Search Search Results You could also try: rehearsal (2), exercise (162), preparation (120), training (696), custom (10), tradition (7) Current Stories in Global Health: Vending machines, knowledge exchange and extreme weather events – what has HIV got to do with it? DescriptionOur Current Stories in Global Health online event series runs quarterly throughout the year and aims to simplify Global Health researchUrl/about/events/2024/01-31-vending-machines-knowledge-exchange-and-extreme-weather-events-what-has-hiv-got-to-do-with-it.aspx Alumni in Focus - Dr Zainab Hussain-Mazhar DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Zainab Hussain-MazharUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-zainab-hussain-mazhar.aspx Masculinities and sexual risk among bisexual men DescriptionThis study explores how the intersection of gender identity and sexuality influences sexual risk taking.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/public-health-psychology-and-prevention/masculinities-and-sexual-risk-among-bisexual-men.aspx IAPT resource pack DescriptionIAPT resource packUrl/_pdf/pcph/iapt-resource-pack.pdf Our course DescriptionInformation about the undergraduate medical degree offered by BSMS including course structure, intercalated degrees and term dates.Url/undergraduate/our-course/index.aspx Professor Carrie Llewellyn DescriptionProfessor Carrie Llewellyn is Professor of Applied Behavioural Medicine at BSMSUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-carrie-llewellyn.aspx Using virtual reality to navigate difficult conversations DescriptionA leading expert at BSMS has contributed to a pioneering initiative to develop software that could help doctors in navigating difficultUrl/about/news/2023/06-27-using-virtual-reality-to-navigate-difficult-conversations.aspx NCRAS resource pack DescriptionNCRAS resourceUrl/_pdf/pcph/ncras-resource-pack.pdf MSDS resource pack DescriptionMSDS resourceUrl/_pdf/pcph/msds-resource-pack.pdf MHSDS resource pack DescriptionMHSDS resource packUrl/_pdf/pcph/mhsds-resource-pack.pdf 341 to 350 of 795 Previous … 33 34 35 36 37 … Next