Search Search Results You could also try: run (410), direct (265), administer (47), supervise (212), handle (97), control (319), cope (40) ILS_Resuscitation_Spring_Summer_2015 DescriptionILS resuscitation flyerUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/cpd-workshops/ils-resuscitation-spring-summer-2015.pdf In Focus - Enya Costin DescriptionLearn about extra curricular activities at BSMS from Year 4 student, Enya CostinUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-enya-costin.aspx Meet the team DescriptionRead more about the Time for Dementia team, including our partner universities and institutionsUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/time-for-dementia/meet-the-team.aspx In Focus - Thivya Kularajan DescriptionRead our student interview with Thivya KularajanUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-thivya-kularajan.aspx Hangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbook DescriptionHangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hangleton-and-knoll-has-got-heart-volunteer-handbook.pdf Our research impact DescriptionBSMS researchers are tackling health, wellbeing and care challenges for the benefit of populations locally, nationally and internationally.Url/research/our-research-impact.aspx Contacts DescriptionMeet the Centre of Dementia Studies team.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/contacts.aspx Phoebe Day-Lloyd DescriptionPhoebe Day-Lloyd is a Senior Research Administrator for SHORE-C at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/phoebe-day-lloyd.aspx Current studies and feedback DescriptionCurrent studies and feedback with the Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO).Url/research/support-and-governance/jcro/current-studies-and-feedback.aspx Neuroscience Education DescriptionThe Clinical Neuroscience department members contribute to education broadly, including to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and beyond.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/neuroscience-education.aspx 21 to 30 of 377 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next