Search Search Results You could also try: previous (214), preceding (19), final (246), end (467), ultimate (23), remaining (219), continue (412) News and events - 2020 DescriptionThe news and events in 2020 from the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/2020-news.aspx A decade of consciousness science at Sussex DescriptionTen years on from its founding, the Sackler Centre looks back on a successful first decade and forward to even greaterUrl/about/news/2020/04-24-a-decade-of-consciousness-science-at-sussex.aspx BSMS Mag Autumn 2018 Low DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn Winter 2018Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2018-low.pdf BSMS Magazine 2016 Spring web DescriptionBSMS Magazine 2016 SpringUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2016-spring-web.pdf Gold for BSMS in Green Impact awards DescriptionBSMS wins gold award in the Green Impact Awards at the University of Sussex, coming first out of all the schoolsUrl/about/news/2024/06-27-gold-for-bsms-in-green-impact-awards.aspx Dr Jamie Carter DescriptionDr Jamie Carter is Deputy Lead Module 101 & Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-jamie-carter.aspx The history of HIV: A big disease with a little name DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Fionnuala Finnerty - specialist in HIV/Sexual and Reproductive Health - will be exploring the developments in HIV ovUrl/about/events/2022/03-02-the-history-of-hiv-a-big-disease-with-a-little-name.aspx Havens Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHavens Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/havens-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf Global Health: Why should we work together? DescriptionJoin BSMS alumna, Dr Tamara Mulenga, as we explore the topic of global health and the importance of working together.Url/about/events/2021/03-03-global-health-why-should-we-work-together.aspx BSMS moves up league table DescriptionBSMS has continued to improve its rankings in the Guardian university league tables, moving up three places from last year.Url/about/news/2015/05-28-bsms-moves-up-league-table.aspx 21 to 30 of 398 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next