Search Search Results You could also try: picture (74), envisage (26), envision (9), visualize (6), dream (30) From BrightMed to BSMS – a retrospective DescriptionThree former BrightMed students, Oli, Rabiah, and Enya, who all now study at BSMS, answer questions about their experiences on theUrl/about/news/2022/07-29-from-brightmed-to-bsms-a-retrospective.aspx Foundation training and Year 5 reflections DescriptionTwo of our soon-to-be graduates and doctors, Emma Hill and Helena Cook, discuss Foundation Training and their next stepsUrl/about/news/2021/06-25-foundation-training-and-fifth-year-reflections.aspx Preparing for a medical school interview – advice from BSMS students DescriptionWe asked our current BSMS medical students what top tips they have for preparing for medical school interviewsUrl/about/news/2022/12-01-preparing-for-a-medical-school-interview.aspx demqol-u_monograph DescriptionDEMQOL monographUrl/_pdf/cds/demqol-u-monograph.pdf Early Career Researcher Journeys DescriptionRead more about our early career researchers on this dedicated researcher journeys webpage.Url/research/ecr-journeys.aspx Global Health - COVID-19 news DescriptionThe latest news from the Global Health and Infection team at BSMS in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/gh-covid-19-news.aspx pulse-20th-anniversary-issue-DIGITAL DescriptionPulse-20th-anniversary-issue-A/W 2023Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/pulse-20th-anniversary-issue-digital.pdf DETERMIND-C19 funding application DescriptionDETERMIND-C19 funding applicationUrl/_pdf/cds/determind-c19-funding-application.pdf 21 to 28 of 28 Previous 1 2 3 Next