Search Search Results You could also try: shape (130), appearance (7), figure (65), outline (123), structure (283), type (363) Knowledge Exchange at BSMS DescriptionWe define Knowledge Exchange as a two-way flow of skills, expertise and information between the Universities of Sussex, BSMS andUrl/research/knowledge-exchange.aspx Applying for a research degree DescriptionThe application process for a research degree at BSMSUrl/postgraduate/research-degrees/applying-for-a-research-degree.aspx Professor Sandra Sacre DescriptionProf Sandra Sacre is Professor of Innate Immunity at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-sandra-sacre.aspx Research seminars DescriptionDuring term time, CISC holds Friday lunchtime meetings for the discussion of new and ongoing fMRI projects. Contact P.Butler@bsmsUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research/research-seminars.aspx Christina Kampoureli DescriptionChristina Kampoureli is a PhD student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/christina-kampoureli.aspx BSMS-strategy-2020 low res DescriptionBSMS-strategy-2020 low resUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-strategy-2020-low-res.pdf Dr Victoria Hall DescriptionDr Victoria Hall is a Research Fellow in Medical Anthropology in the Department of Global Health and Infection and Personal AssistantUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-victoria-hall.aspx Music, Activism and Conversation: Exploring Menstrual Health DescriptionBSMS is hosting an evening of music, activism and conversation around menstrual health and human rightsUrl/about/events/2022/10-05-menstrual-health.aspx LIGHTMind 2 DescriptionInformation about the LIGHTMind 2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/lightmind2.aspx From BrightMed to BSMS – a retrospective DescriptionThree former BrightMed students, Oli, Rabiah, and Enya, who all now study at BSMS, answer questions about their experiences on theUrl/about/news/2022/07-29-from-brightmed-to-bsms-a-retrospective.aspx 261 to 270 of 527 Previous … 25 26 27 28 29 … Next