Search Search Results You could also try: read (764), interpret (59), convert (12), understand (813), study (1000), examine (171) Data Sharing Agreement - BSMS - Updated August 2020 - Final signed DescriptionData Sharing Agreement - BSMS - Updated August 2020 - Final signedUrl/_pdf/about/data-sharing-agreement-bsms-updated-august-2020-final-signed.pdf Rebecca Simmons camouflaging blog DescriptionRebecca Simmons camouflaging blogUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/rebecca-simmons-camouflaging-blog.pdf MDM159 Module Descriptor DescriptionMDM159 Paeds PGT descriptionUrl/_word-docs/postgraduate/mdm159-module-descriptor.docx Patient notes could offer solution to the 'missing' Coronavirus diagnoses DescriptionGP's notes currently unavailable to medical researchers could provide clues to help manage major health crises – like COVID-19.Url/about/news/2020/05-26-patient-notes-could-offer-solution-to-the-missing-coronavirus-diagnoses.aspx Single Module Application Pack DME 2016-17 DescriptionSingle Module Application Pack DME 2016-17Url/_word-docs/postgraduate/single-module-application-pack-dme-2016-17.docx Whiplash_patient_information_pack DescriptionWhiplash information packUrl/_pdf/whiplash-patient-information-pack.pdf Our research impact DescriptionBSMS researchers are tackling health, wellbeing and care challenges for the benefit of populations locally, nationally and internationally.Url/research/our-research-impact.aspx SHCRP news and events DescriptionThe information here will provide regular updates on the SHCRP work as it develops instigating during the phases of the projectUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/shcrp-news-and-events.aspx Diabetes in Primary Care DescriptionPostgraduate courses at BSMS for specialist professional training in Diabetes care.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/diabetes-in-primary-care.aspx Admissions FAQs DescriptionFrequently asked questions about BSMS admissions and entry requirementsUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/faqs-entry-requirements.aspx 221 to 230 of 292 Previous … 21 22 23 24 25 … Next