Search Search Results You could also try: denote (5), signify (5), indicate (204), represent (148), imply (19) Acute & Emergency Paediatrics Handbook 2024 DescriptionModule handbook for Acute & Emergency Paediatrics in the Paediatrics and Child Health courseUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/acute-emergency-paediatrics-handbook-2024.pdf Information for aspiring medics, schools and parents/carers DescriptionInformation for aspiring medics, schools and parents/carers on widening participation, school visits and open days and work experience adviceUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/index.aspx Requests for statistical advice DescriptionUse our online form to make requests for statistical adviceUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/requests-for-statistical-advice.aspx Living here DescriptionFind out more about what it's like to live in Brighton as a student at BSMS.Url/living-here/index.aspx Dr Tom Levett DescriptionDr Tom Levett Senior Lecturer in Medicine and Frailty at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-tom-levett.aspx Hopeful DescriptionDeveloping a hope-focused intervention to prevent mental health problems & improve outcomes for young women not in education, employment or trainingUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/hopeful.aspx New report sets the groundwork for reducing the carbon footprint of surgical care DescriptionThe first detailed account of how to reduce the environmental impact of surgical care while maintaining high quality patient care andUrl/about/news/2023/11-14-new-report-sets-the-groundwork-for-reducing-the-carbon-footprint-of-surgical-care.aspx Autistic people are highly distressed by loneliness DescriptionNew research reveals how acutely Autistic people experience loneliness contradicting the stereotype that they avoid seeking meaningful social relationships.Url/about/news/2023/11-06-autistic-people-up-to-four-times-more-likely-to-be-lonely-study-shows.aspx Our course DescriptionExplore the undergraduate course at BSMS as part of our virtual open dayUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/our-course.aspx BSMS staff receive Research Impact Awards DescriptionA number of BSMS staff won awards at the University of Sussex's Research Impact and Research Culture awards, which took placeUrl/about/news/2023/07-20-bsms-staff-receive-research-impact-awards.aspx 201 to 210 of 371 Previous … 19 20 21 22 23 … Next