Search Search Results You could also try: redistribution (2), redeployment (4), reorganization (2), relocation (4) Scan Costing Pro Forma %28V12%29 DescriptionScan Costing Pro FormaUrl/_pdf/cisc/scan-costing-pro-forma-28v1229.pdf Scan-Costing-Pro-Forma DescriptionScan Costing Pro FormaUrl/_word-docs/scan-costing-pro-forma.doc Dr Guy Fincham DescriptionDr Guy Fincham is a Researcher in Psychology at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-guy-fincham.aspx Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Primary Care and Public Health team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/primary-care/pcph-team.aspx Innovative virtual learning module boosts medical students' confidence in handling angry patients DescriptionNew study led by researchers at BSMS' SHORE-C indicates the potential effectiveness of virtual learning in enhancing medical students' communicationUrl/about/news/2025/02-12-innovative-virtual-learning-module-boosts-medical-students-confidence-in-handling-angry-patients.aspx BSMS honorary titles committee handbook DescriptionBSMS Honorary Titles HandbookUrl/_word-docs/about/honorary-contract-and-status/bsms-honorary-titles-committee-handbook.docx Our current studies DescriptionWe are currently involved in three studies at the Centre for Dementia Studies.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/our-current-studies.aspx Study highlights diagnostic challenges for LGBTQ+ people living with dementia DescriptionA new study at BSMS has provided critical insights into the experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals diagnosed withUrl/about/news/2024/10-08-study-highlights-diagnostic-challenges-for-lgbtq-people-living-with-dementia.aspx Neuroscience Education DescriptionThe Clinical Neuroscience department members contribute to education broadly, including to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and beyond.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/neuroscience-education.aspx TEL Case Studies DescriptionThe TEL team present examples of practice from teaching staff across faculty in collaboration with learning technologists.Url/about/tel/tel-case-studies.aspx 191 to 200 of 389 Previous … 18 19 20 21 22 … Next