Search Search Results You could also try: enclosed (17), roofed (5), sheltered (7) General workshops DescriptionGeneral workshops run by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/short-courses-and-workshops/general-workshops.aspx Alumni news and events DescriptionThe latest news and events for our alumni networkUrl/about/alumni/alumni-news-and-events.aspx Our NHS partners DescriptionBSMS has partnerships with a number of local NHS teaching and associate trusts.Url/about/our-partners/our-nhs-partners.aspx Protocol publication HYVET 2 DescriptionProtocol publication HYVET 2Url/_word-docs/ctu/protocol-publication-hyvet-2.docx BSMS Homelessness Conference DescriptionThe first BSMS Homelessness Conference will explore reasons why and how people become homeless and why health should be our mainUrl/about/events/2020/02-08-bsms-homelessness-conference.aspx Children's views should shape how research is conducted DescriptionA new report calls for a change in culture across all areas of children's health research.Url/about/news/2015/05-22-childrens-views-should-shape-how-research-is-conducted.aspx Anatomy session proposal proforma DescriptionAnatomy Session Proposal ProformaUrl/_pdf/about/anatomy-session-proposal-proforma.pdf SHORE-C DescriptionSHORE-C at the University of Sussex and Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/shore-c.aspx Research DescriptionAt BSMS our medical research has developed a strong reputation for making a real impact locally, nationally and internationally.Url/research/index.aspx International students DescriptionInformation for international applicants and students including fees, entry requirements and support available at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/international-students/index.aspx 191 to 200 of 343 Previous … 18 19 20 21 22 … Next