Search Search Results You could also try: value (339), merit (34), appeal (38), significance (32), attraction (7), importance (214) Medical school teacher honoured with teaching excellence award DescriptionPhysiology Lead at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), Dr Harry Witchel, has been awarded an Advance HE National Teaching FellowshipUrl/about/news/2021/08-11-medical-school-teacher-honoured-with-teaching-excellence-award.aspx Preparing for a medical school interview – advice from BSMS students DescriptionWe asked our current BSMS medical students what top tips they have for preparing for medical school interviewsUrl/about/news/2022/12-01-preparing-for-a-medical-school-interview.aspx Developing a code list_7.1 DescriptionA guide to developing code listsUrl/_word-docs/developing-a-code-list-7.1.docx Staff spotlight: CJ Taylor DescriptionMeet CJ Taylor, Learning Technologist (Developer).Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/cj-taylor.aspx Our course DescriptionExplore the undergraduate course at BSMS as part of our virtual open dayUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/our-course.aspx In Focus - Ollie Pentz DescriptionRead and watch our student interview with Ollie PentzUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-ollie-pentz.aspx Challenging stereotypes: Novel perspectives on autism DescriptionThis symposium seeks to challenge stereotyped views of autism, harnessing the lived experience of people with autism.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/challenging-stereotypes-novel-perspectives-on-autism.aspx PEG patient info sheet FINAL DescriptionPEG patient info sheetUrl/_pdf/about/peg-patient-info-sheet-final.pdf BSMS Magazine 2016 Spring web DescriptionBSMS Magazine 2016 SpringUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2016-spring-web.pdf Single Module Study DescriptionSingle Modules for Credit courses available at BSMSUrl/postgraduate/single-modules/index.aspx 11 to 20 of 49 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next