Search Search Results You could also try: almost (104), nearly (50), near (87), practically (14), effectively (109) SHARE conference 2021 DescriptionThis conference offered talks, oral presentations and posters about resetting the agenda for sustainable healthcare.Url/about/share-conference-2021.aspx Telemedicine Neil Singh Ethics Conference 2021 DescriptionTelemedicine Neil Singh Ethics Conference 2021Url/_pdf/about/telemedicine-neil-singh-ethics-conference-2021.pdf Putting our principles into practice on Neglected Tropical Diseases DescriptionProfessor Gail Davey OBE discusses why the Kigali Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases is a major milestone in global health.Url/about/news/2022/01-28-putting-our-principles-into-practice-on-neglected-tropical-diseases.aspx BSMS Virtual Graduation Celebration 2021 DescriptionBSMS will host its annual graduation celebration virtually on 13 July 2021Url/about/events/2021/07-13-bsms-virtual-graduation-celebration-2021.aspx INSIGHT FAQ v4 DescriptionINSIGHT FAQsUrl/_pdf/research/insight-faq-v4.pdf Paediatrics DescriptionOur internationally recognised research into childhood asthma has brought significant progress within a short space of time.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/paediatrics/index.aspx SHARE conference 2022 DescriptionThis conference offered talks, oral presentations and posters about putting the theory of sustainability principles into action in healthcare practice.Url/about/share-conference-2022.aspx Virtual meeting: 21st International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media DescriptionVirtual meeting: 21st International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis MediaUrl/about/events/2021/06-11-21st-international-symposium-on-recent-advances-in-otitis-media.aspx Knowledge Exchange at BSMS DescriptionWe define Knowledge Exchange as a two-way flow of skills, expertise and information between the Universities of Sussex, BSMS andUrl/research/knowledge-exchange.aspx ARPME conference 2021 DescriptionAnti-Racist Practice in Medical Education: Pedagogy and Research: Virtual Conference 2021 event page.Url/about/arpme-conference-2021.aspx 11 to 20 of 37 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next