Search Search Results You could also try: fake (11), replicated (25), pretend (7), imitation (2), virtual (178), cyber- (2) Resident Doctor On-Call "Hello it's the FY1, how can I help?" DescriptionIn this monthly lecture, Dr Emma Taylor-Gallardo shares her experiences of med school, qualifying as a doctor & what a surgicalUrl/about/events/2025/03-05-resident-doctor-on-call-hello-it’s-the-fy1-how-can-i-help.aspx Medical Education DescriptionMedical education research at BSMS has developed along with the undergraduate BMBS programme through the Medical Education Unit (MEU).Url/research/medical-education/index.aspx Will virtual patients help us choose the right drugs? DescriptionWill simulations help us give the right drugs into the right patients in future? Dr Simon Mitchell explores as part ofUrl/about/events/2022/12-07-will-virtual-patients-help-us-choose-the-right-drugs.aspx BSMS students qualify early to aid coronavirus effort DescriptionFifth year medical students at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have already taken their final assessments and will soon joinUrl/about/news/2020/04-08-bsms-students-qualify-early-to-aid-coronavirus-effort.aspx PhD opportunities DescriptionThe latest PhD opportunities available at BSMS will be advertised here.Url/postgraduate/research-degrees/phd-opportunities.aspx Patient Educators continue to contribute to student learning despite COVID-19 DescriptionPatient Educators at BSMS have embraced virtual teaching and are contributing to sessions for students via Microsoft Teams.Url/about/news/2020/11-05-patient-educators-continue-to-contribute-to-student-learning-despite-covid-19.aspx BSMS Targeted Medicine Symposium 14 March 2024 abstract booklet DescriptionTargeted Medicine Symposium abstract bookletUrl/_pdf/about/events/bsms-targeted-medicine-symposium-14-march-2024-abstract-booklet.pdf Professor Gordon Ferns DescriptionProfessor Gordon Ferns is the Deputy Dean at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-gordon-ferns.aspx Personalised simulations predict patient outcomes for blood cancer treatment in breakthrough study DescriptionA new study led by researchers at BSMS has unveiled a approach to predicting the effectiveness of treatments for patients withUrl/about/news/2024/07-11-personalised-simulations-predict-patient-outcomes-for-blood-cancer-treatment-in-breakthrough-study.aspx New app launches to transform fire mandatory safety training in the NHS DescriptionAn innovative new fire safety app has launched with the aim of transforming fire safety mandatory training for NHS staff throughUrl/about/news/2023/12-05-new-app-launches-to-transform-fire-mandatory-safety-training-in-the-nhs.aspx 11 to 20 of 33 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next