Search Search Results You could also try: danger (14), jeopardy (2), hazard (29), menace (1), threat (64), possibility (72) High Risk Anaesthesia DescriptionMDM124 High Risk Anaesthesia module specificationUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/2018/high-risk-anaesthesia.docx MDM124 High Risk Anaesthesia SEPT 15th 2014 DescriptionMDM124Url/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm124-high-risk-anaesthesia-sept-15th-2014.docx Deferred clamping of umbilical cord reduces risk of death in premature babies, research finds DescriptionWaiting for two minutes to clamp the umbilical cord of a premature baby likely reduces the risk of death soon afterUrl/about/news/2023/11-15-deferred-clamping-of-umbilical-cord-reduces-risk-of-death-in-premature-babies-research-finds.aspx Having hypermobile joints can increase the risk for depression and anxiety in adolescents DescriptionA link has been found between joint hypermobility and the emergence of depression and anxiety in adolescence, according to a newUrl/about/news/2022/12-01-having-hypermobile-joints-can-increase-the-risk-for-depression-and-anxiety-in-adolescents.aspx Tool predicts risk of medication-related harm in older people after leaving hospital DescriptionA new tool has been developed to assess the likelihood of an older adult who is discharged from hospital suffering fromUrl/about/news/2019/09-19-tool-predicts-risk-of-medication-related-harm-in-older-people-after-leaving-hospital.aspx Risk of podoconiosis mapped in Cameroon DescriptionResearchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School have assessed the prevalence of podoconiosis (podo) in CameroonUrl/about/news/2018/01-15-risk-of-podoconiosis-mapped-in-cameroon.aspx People with joint hypermobility at increased risk of long COVID, study shows DescriptionPeople with joint hypermobility are 30% more likely to suffer from long COVID, according to a new study by BSMS andUrl/about/news/2024/03-21-people-with-joint-hypermobility-at-increased-risk-of-long-covid-study-shows.aspx Modifiable risk factors in dementia DescriptionThe Cognitive Treatment and Research Unit has a programme of research into modifiable risk factors in dementia such as diet, bloodUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/modifiable-risk-factors-in-dementia.aspx Can doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge? DescriptionCan doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge?Url/about/news/2018/07-03-can-doctors-identify-older-patients-at-risk-of-medication-harm-following-hospital-discharge.aspx Gene test at birth could predict long-term risk of disease and costs DescriptionA simple gene test could help predict the long-term risk of more severe disease and long-term healthcare costs forUrl/about/news/2018/06-01-gene-test-could-predict-long-term-risk-of-disease-for-individuals-with-eczema-and-asthma.aspx 11 to 20 of 419 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next