Search Search Results You could also try: self (376), individual (583), one (1000), someone (151), anyone (124), personality (25), role (666) Research events DescriptionFind out about our research events at BSMS, which include conferences, workshops, invited talks and seminars.Url/research/research-events.aspx C-DEMQOL instruction manual final v1.2 DescriptionC-DEMQOL instruction manual final v1.2Url/_pdf/cds/c-demqol-instruction-manual-final-v1.2.pdf About the Time for Dementia programme DescriptionFind out more about the Time for Dementia programme and how it has been integrated into the undergraduate curriculum at BSMSUrl/about/news/2021/02-26-about-the-time-for-dementia-programme.aspx Research DescriptionTime for Dementia ResearchUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/time-for-dementia/research.aspx Lifestyle and Cognitive Health DescriptionThis in-person event will explore the importance of a healthy lifestyle for maintaining optimal cognitive health and reducing the riskUrl/about/events/2023/07-13-lifestyle-and-cognitive-health.aspx Hub School Information for 22-23 (website) DescriptionInformation poster for Brighton and Sussex Medical School Hub schoolsUrl/_pdf/about/hub-school-information-for-22-23-website.pdf Forced-Labour-in-the-Malaysian-Medical-Gloves-Supply-Chain-Full-Report-July-2nd-2 DescriptionForced-Labour-in-the-Malaysian-Medical-Gloves-Supply-Chain-Full-Report-2021Url/_pdf/about/forced-labour-in-the-malaysian-medical-gloves-supply-chain-full-report-july-2nd-2.pdf Computers can tell if you're bored, new study shows DescriptionA new study, led by Dr Harry Witchel, suggests technology could lead to 'empathetic' robots and reactive on-line learning programmesUrl/about/news/2016/02-23-computers-can-tell-if-youre-bored-new-study-shows.aspx Open days DescriptionBook a place on our BSMS open days to learn more about our medical school and the courses we offer.Url/undergraduate/open-days/index.aspx What are the short and long-term benefits of taking part in Dry January? DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Richard de Visser will provide an overview of his studies of Dry January, highlighting the short- andUrl/about/events/2022/01-05-what-are-the-short-and-long-term-benefits-of-taking-part-in-dry-january.aspx 11 to 20 of 416 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next