Search Search Results You could also try: pal (9), buddy (3), mate (3), companion (11), acquaintance (1), ally (106) In Focus - Alex Nye DescriptionRead our student interview with Alex NyeUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-alex-nye.aspx In Focus - Alicia Paessler DescriptionRead our student interview with Alicia PaesslerUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-alicia-paessler.aspx Alumni in Focus - Dr Aoife Fordham DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Aoife FordhamUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-aoife-fordham.aspx In Focus - Maisha Syed DescriptionSecond Year student Maisha Syed discusses how she decided to pursue a medicine degree, preparing for interviews and her involvement withUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-maisha-syed.aspx BSMS Mag Spring 2017 web DescriptionBSMS Pulse magazine spring 2017Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-spring-2017-web.pdf In Focus - Connie Lin DescriptionRead our student interview with Connie LinUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-connie-lin.aspx Maho Order of Service Final DescriptionMaho order of service finalUrl/_pdf/global-health/maho-order-of-service-final.pdf In Focus - Pashmina Bhutto DescriptionRead our student interview with Pashmina BhuttoUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-pashmina-bhutto.aspx Bodies donated to medical science honoured in London memorial service DescriptionA memorial service at St Georges Cathedral in London honours more than 300 people who donated their bodies to medical scienceUrl/about/news/2019/05-17-bodies-donated-to-medical-science-honoured-in-memorial-service.aspx First year perspectives DescriptionFind our what our first year students have to say about studying medicine at BSMSUrl/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/our-students/first-year-perspectives.aspx 11 to 20 of 193 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next