Search Search Results You could also try: appear (96), surface (23), become known (167), become apparent (15), transpire (4) Ethical Quandaries: Blurred Boundaries and Transformations in Genomic Medicine DescriptionEthical Quandaries: Blurred Boundaries and Transformations in Genomic MedicineUrl/about/events/2019/06-11-ethical-quandaries-blurred-boundaries-and-transformations-in-genomic-medicine.aspx Dental Implant Reconstructive Surgery DescriptionPostgraduate dentistry at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/postgraduate/taught-degrees/dental-implant-reconstructive-surgery.aspx Jessica Stockdale DescriptionJessica Stockdale is a Doctoral Researcher at BSMSUrl/about/contact-us/staff/jessica-stockdale.aspx Publications DescriptionThe breadth and depth of research at BSMS is illustrated by our recent publications.Url/research/publications.aspx BSMS Magazine 2015 Spring Web DescriptionBSMS Pulse magazine Spring 2015Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2015-spring-web.pdf News and events - 2019 DescriptionThe news and events in 2019 from the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/2019-news.aspx Cancer epidemiology DescriptionThe aim of the project is to identify emerging trends, evaluate impact of interventions, inform public health policy and raise awarenessUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/cancer-epidemiology.aspx BSMS staff receive Research Impact Awards DescriptionA number of BSMS staff won awards at the University of Sussex's Research Impact and Research Culture awards, which took placeUrl/about/news/2023/07-20-bsms-staff-receive-research-impact-awards.aspx Clinical modules DescriptionInformation about the clinical modules offered by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/single-modules/clinical-modules.aspx Single Module Study DescriptionSingle Modules for Credit courses available at BSMSUrl/postgraduate/single-modules/index.aspx 11 to 20 of 118 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next