Search Search Results You could also try: remark (14), observation (82), statement (151), commentary (13), mention (57), note (399), observe (85) Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) DescriptionThe Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) will review all research applications prior to the Sponsoring Partner issuing formal Sponsorship.Url/research/support-and-governance/pre-sponsorship-review-panel.aspx News and events - 2019 DescriptionThe news and events in 2019 from the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/2019-news.aspx EthoXBursary_application_form_2017 DescriptionGlobal Health Bioethics Network Bursaries Scheme application formUrl/_word-docs/global-health/ethoxbursary-application-form-2017.docx MDM110B_Handbook 21-22 DescriptionModule handbook for MDM110B Leadership and Change ManagementUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/mdm110b-leadership-and-change-management-handbook-21-22.pdf Study reveals link between hypermobile joints and emotion regulation difficulties in neurodivergent individuals DescriptionNew study has introduced an in-vivo data-informed conceptual model to explore how hypermobility affects emotion regulation in neurodivergent peopleUrl/about/news/2024/07-16-study-reveals-link-between-hypermobile-joints-and-emotion-regulation-difficulties-in-neurodivergent-individuals.aspx 2023-2024 Paediatric and Child Health Course Handbook pdf Description2023-2024 Paediatric and Child Health Course Handbook pdfUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/course-application-handbooks/2023-2024-paediatric-and-child-health-course-handbook-pdf.pdf Anatomy team attend RTS awards and documentary shortlisted for BAFTAs DescriptionThe BSMS anatomy team attended the prestigious Royal Television Society awards on 28 March for their role in the My DeadUrl/about/news/2023/03-31-anatomy-team-attend-rts-awards-and-documentary-shortlisted-for-baftas.aspx News 2018-19 DescriptionThe news from the Primary Care and Public Health department at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/primary-care/pcph-news 2018-19.aspx BSMS gains surgical training centre status DescriptionBSMS announces new partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) to deliver surgical training in Brighton.Url/about/news/2020/02-12-bsms-gains-surgical-training-centre-status.aspx BSMS-led project receives funding to tackle three NTDs DescriptionA project which aims to eradicate three neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), podoconiosis, mycetoma and scabies, has been awarded a £3.5Url/about/news/2019/11-07-bsms-led-project-receives-funding-to-tackle-three-ntds.aspx 11 to 20 of 129 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next