Search Search Results You could also try: help (767), assist (129), support (998), relieve (9), serve (127), promote (269) Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Department of Medical Education team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/medical-education/meet-the-team.aspx CHAIN UKI: Improving Care for HIV and Ageing DescriptionCHAIN UKI is a dedicated working group focussed on optimising care for older people living with HIV and advancing research inUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/chain-uki.aspx Resilience Diaries: screening and panel talk DescriptionThis short documentary film features the daily thoughts and lives of people living with HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic. FollowedUrl/about/events/2021/12-01-resilience-diaries-screening-and-panel-talk.aspx Let's Talk About Death and Dying DescriptionJoin Dr Aoife Louise as we explore tools and communication skills used to aid patients and relatives to make informed choicesUrl/about/events/2021/04-07-lets-talk-about-death-and-dying.aspx Humanitarian Responses | Speaker biographies DescriptionSpeaker biographies for Trudi Hilton, Jon Barden, Michael Deats, Ashok Soni, Helen Gordon & Alastair Bolt who'll appear at the humanitarian responseUrl/about/events/2016/03-19-humanitarian-responses-speaker-biographies.aspx Professor Collins C Iwuji DescriptionProfessor Collins C Iwuji is a Professor of Global Health and HIV Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-collins-iwuji.aspx PIBIK Protocol DescriptionPIBIK ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/pibik-protocol.pdf Mycetoma annual report book 2018pdf DescriptionMycetoma annual report book 2018pdfUrl/_pdf/research/mycetoma-annual-report-book-2018pdf.pdf Current Stories in Global Health: Vending machines, knowledge exchange and extreme weather events – what has HIV got to do with it? DescriptionOur Current Stories in Global Health online event series runs quarterly throughout the year and aims to simplify Global Health researchUrl/about/events/2024/01-31-vending-machines-knowledge-exchange-and-extreme-weather-events-what-has-hiv-got-to-do-with-it.aspx Audited DescriptionThe AUDITED project is a collaboration between the Universities of Westminster, Sussex and Southampton and is in partnership with Positive EastUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/audited.aspx 11 to 20 of 164 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next