Search Search Results You could also try: prospect (35), outlook (12), potential (323), expectations (77), opportunity (660), hope (260), upcoming (428) Telemedicine Neil Singh Ethics Conference 2021 DescriptionTelemedicine Neil Singh Ethics Conference 2021Url/_pdf/about/telemedicine-neil-singh-ethics-conference-2021.pdf BSMS student receives prestigious and highly competitive scholarship DescriptionBSMS student Emma Taylor-Gallardo receives a prestigious and highly competitive scholarship to study for the MSc in Global Health ScienceUrl/about/news/2021/12-13-bsms-student-receives-prestigious-and-highly-competitive-scholarship.aspx Alumni in Focus - Dr Chris Wincup DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Chris WincupUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-chris-wincup.aspx Teaching our doctors to help people die well DescriptionDr Geoff Wells discusses his recent research at BSMS into preparing medical students for dealing with dying patients, and why thisUrl/about/news/2021/10-09-teaching-our-doctors-to-help-people-die-well.aspx Whiplash Participant Information Sheet (Patient) 2021 DescriptionWhiplash Participant Information Sheet (Patient) 2021Url/_pdf/research/whiplash-participant-information-sheet-patient-2021.pdf REDUCe results paper DescriptionREDUCe results paperUrl/_pdf/ctu/reduce-results-paper.pdf Live events DescriptionFind out more about the live, online events at BSMS as part of our virtual open dayUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/live-events.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A as part of our Virtual Open Day.Url/about/events/2020/06-05-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A as part of our Virtual Open Day.Url/about/events/2020/06-06-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms-2.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A as part of our Virtual Open Day.Url/about/events/2020/06-06-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx 171 to 180 of 533 Previous … 16 17 18 19 20 … Next