Search Search Results You could also try: usual (87), normal (133), ordinary (13), accepted (155), likely (182) Welcoming Ukrainian medical schools and their students to Capsule DescriptionUkrainian medical schools and medical students are being given complementary access to the case-based online medical learning resource, Capsule.Url/about/news/2022/06-27-welcoming-ukrainian-medical-schools-and-their-students-to-capsule.aspx BSMS-strategy-2020 DescriptionThe BSMS strategy document outlines our plans from 2020-2025.Url/_pdf/about/bsms-strategy-2020.pdf Medical students selected to join the Healthcare Leadership Academy DescriptionMedical students from BSMS have been selected to join the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA) Scholars programme.Url/about/news/2021/10-07-medical-student-selected-to-join-the-healthcare-leadership-academy.aspx OM posters combined DescriptionOtitis Media Posters CombinedUrl/_pdf/about/events/om-posters-combined.pdf REDUCe results paper DescriptionREDUCe results paperUrl/_pdf/ctu/reduce-results-paper.pdf Take Me With You: a museum of friendship, remembrance and loss DescriptionThis event is the latest in our Ethics and Performance series of lectures and seminars.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2016-02-18-take-me-with-you.aspx Ethics in performance DescriptionThe ethics team hosts a regular calendar of public events in collaboration with a variety of artists throughout the year asUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/ethics-in-performance.aspx Personal Statements for Medical Schools - online talk DescriptionAn online session exploring personal statements and how they might be used in the admissions process for medical schools.Url/about/events/2020/07-29-personal-statements-for-medical-schools.aspx Personal Statements for Medical Schools - online talk DescriptionAn online session exploring personal statements and how they might be used in the admissions process for medical schools.Url/about/events/2020/07-21-personal-statements-for-medical-schools.aspx Personal Statements for Medical Schools - online talk DescriptionAn online session exploring personal statements and how they might be used in the admissions process for medical schools.Url/about/events/2020/07-02-personal-statements-for-medical-schools.aspx 161 to 170 of 367 Previous … 15 16 17 18 19 … Next