Search Search Results You could also try: believe (179), reflect (262), imagine (28), feel (419), consider (379), suppose (13), reason (192) Entry requirements DescriptionA full list of entry requirements for admission to the Brighton and Sussex Medical School including GCSEs, A Levels and InternationalUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/entry-requirements.aspx Global Health DescriptionPostgraduate courses at BSMS with lecturers from the University of Sussex's Institute of Development Studies.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/global-health.aspx In Focus - Kamil Lawniczak and Harriet Mercer DescriptionRead our student interview with Kamil Lawniczak and Harriet Mercer.Url/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-kamil-lawniczak-and-harriet-mercer.aspx Virtual Open Day talks DescriptionFind out more about Virtual Open Day talks, which will replace our physical open days in June 2020.Url/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/virtual-open-day-talks.aspx Centre for Dementia Studies DescriptionThe Centre for Dementia Studies (CDS) works to improve the quality of life of people with dementia and their family carersUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/index.aspx Research at CDS DescriptionLinks to research on modifiable risk factors, quality of care, quality of life and randomised controlled trials in dementia.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/index.aspx Staff spotlight: Neena Shukla Morris DescriptionMeet Neena Shukla Morris, Liaison Librarian.Url/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/neena-shukla-morris.aspx Looking forwards: working together to formulate the next steps in pain and fatigue research at BSMS DescriptionThis public engagement event aims to shape future directions in pain and fatigue research at BSMS.Url/about/events/2023/09-08-looking-forwards-working-together-to-formulate-the-next-steps-in-pain-and-fatigue-research-at-bsms.aspx TEL Blog DescriptionEvery month, the Technology Enhanced Learning team will post on a variety of topics surrounding the use of technology to supportUrl/about/tel/tel-blog.aspx Inspirational women: Paige Gregory DescriptionMeet Paige Gregory, Course Co-ordinator (Clinical and Community Practice).Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/paige-gregory.aspx 131 to 140 of 393 Previous … 12 13 14 15 16 … Next