Search Search Results You could also try: fight (54), clash (4), encounter (82), combat (35), crusade (1) Battling tuberculosis: Revealing bacterial secrets for new treatments DescriptionBook now for Prof Simon Waddell's inaugural lecture: 'Battling tuberculosis: Revealing bacterial secrets for new treatments'.Url/about/events/2025/03-19-prof-simon-waddell-inaugural-lecture.aspx End is in sight in battle with HIV DescriptionWe are closer than ever to ending the HIV epidemic, said a panel of experts at 'HIV: is victory in sightUrl/about/news/2017/05-12-end-is-in-sight-in-battle-with-hiv.aspx 13 ton scanner winched in by crane to university imaging centre DescriptionA new state-of-the-art 3T MRI scanner with an 11.4 ton magnet is installed at BSMSUrl/about/news/2017/05-22-thirteen-ton-scanner-winched-in-by-crane.aspx Inspirational women: Professor Claire Smith DescriptionMeet Professor Claire Smith, as part of our 'inspirational women of BSMS' seriesUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/professor-claire-smith.aspx BSMS students qualify early to aid coronavirus effort DescriptionFifth year medical students at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have already taken their final assessments and will soon joinUrl/about/news/2020/04-08-bsms-students-qualify-early-to-aid-coronavirus-effort.aspx Hub School Information for 22-23 (website) DescriptionInformation poster for Brighton and Sussex Medical School Hub schoolsUrl/_pdf/about/hub-school-information-for-22-23-website.pdf Inaugural lectures DescriptionOur inaugural lectures take place throughout the academic year and and are the first lecture delivered by a newly-appointed professorUrl/about/working-here/inaugural-lectures.aspx The BSMS men's football team have a successful season DescriptionHear from Year 2 student, Kieran Chumun about the most recent success of the BSMS men's football team.Url/about/news/2023/05-26-the-bsms-mens-football-team-have-a-successful-season.aspx Professor John Abraham DescriptionJohn Abraham is Professor of Sociology and Pharmaceutical Policy at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-john-abraham.aspx In Focus - Dan Sims DescriptionRead our student interview with Dan SimsUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-dan-sims.aspx 1 to 10 of 19 Previous 1 2 Next