What A-level subjects should I take and what grades do I need to achieve?
Most standard offers, for entry to BSMS, are conditional on gaining three A grades at A-level (including Biology and Chemistry). For applicants with an adjusted offer – see below for further information – we will accept AAB (including Biology and Chemistry). Please be reassured that while many students are advised to study Maths or Physics by their schools or colleges, we do not specify the nature of the third A-level subject. We actively welcome applicants who study subjects outside of the mathematical and physical sciences, as we recognise their value in broadening academic horizons.
What A-level subjects do you not accept?
We do not except A-levels in General Studies, Critical Thinking or, if you are a non-speaker of English, an A-level in your original language of instruction. If you are taking an original language of instruction A-level, you will be required to take a fourth A-level in any subject except General Studies or Critical Thinking, and subsequently achieve a grade A or B (if applying with contextual data).
My conditional offer to BSMS was AAA, I achieved AAB will you confirm my place?
BSMS will not accept near misses and all conditional offers must be met in full in order to confirm your place.
Do you accept BTEC qualifications?
Yes, for applicants taking, or who have already obtained, two A-levels in Biology and Chemistry, as well as a Level 3 Extended BTEC Certificate, we require predicted, or obtained grades of at least AA in your A-levels and a Distinction in your BTEC qualification. For applicants with an adjusted offer, we would require at least AA in your A-levels and a Merit in your BTEC qualification.
How does BSMS view an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)?
BSMS welcomes candidates who have successfully completed an EPQ. However, the EPQ does not give applicants any advantage in the process involved in selecting for interview nor will it form part of any offers that we make.
Will you consider my application if I’m resitting A-levels?
Yes, BSMS will consider re-sit applicants. However, due to the large number of applications that we receive, we will ordinarily only consider applications from applicants who have dropped one grade in one subject. This would mean you obtained a grade B in one subject, for example A*A*B, A*AB or AAB.
For applicants with an adjusted offer, this would mean obtaining ABB or AAC as our requirements are AAB.
If applying with a predicted resit grade (as in you are sitting the exam after you submit an application), you must be predicted at least the required grade in your resit. For example, if you achieved AAB and you are resitting the subject you achieved a grade B in, you must be predicted at least an A in that subject. For applicants with contextual data, if you achieved an AAC, are resitting the subject that you achieved a C in, you must be predicted at least a grade B.
If you have not been predicted the required grades in your resit, you would only be able to apply once you have achieved the required grades of AAA (or AAB for applicants with contextual data) including Biology and Chemistry.
If you are retaking your first year of A-level studies, you can still apply, providing you have been predicted A-level grades AAA (or AAB for applicants with an adjusted offer) including Biology and Chemistry. If you are not predicted (or have not achieved) these grades, but believe you have exceptional circumstances that affected your A-level studies, you may ask us to consider your application on these grounds. If we accept your mitigation, we will require formal evidence to support your claim.
Please contact our Admissions Team via medadmissions@bsms.ac.uk in advance of an application to discuss your circumstances.
What GCSE grades do I need?
Applicants to BSMS are not required to have a specific number of GCSEs and we do not consider any other GCSEs besides GCSE English (both English Language or English Literature are accepted) and GCSE Maths. As long as you have obtained (or are predicted) grades 6/B in both GCSE subjects, you will meet our GCSE requirements. For applicants with an adjusted offer, we require Grade 5/C in both GCSE English and Maths. If you have qualifications other than GCSEs, please visit our alternative entry requirements page here.
If you have any questions, you can contact our Admissions Team via medadmissions@bsms.ac.uk to confirm if BSMS will accept them as equivalents.
International Baccalaureate Diploma
Which Higher Level subjects do I need to take and how many points do I need?
We require 36 points overall, including a grade 6 in both Higher Level Biology and Chemistry.
For applicants with an adjusted offer, we require 35 points including a grade 6 in both Higher Level Biology and Chemistry.
Access Courses
Does BSMS accept Access to Medicine Courses?
Yes, there are a number of Access to Medicine courses that we will consider. To verify whether a specific course meets our entry requirements, please contact medadmissions@bsms.ac.uk.
Who should take an Access to Medicine course?
Access to Medicine courses are an effective way for mature entrants, who have not previously studied Biology and Chemistry at A-level or at degree level, to gain a qualification acceptable for entry into medical school. A pass at distinction level is normally required.
We do not consider applications from any access to medicine student who already holds qualifications in the relevant sciences graded at or below our standard entry requirements.
Read more about access to medicine >
Pre-Medical Courses
Does BSMS accept Pre-Medical courses?
Yes, there a number of Pre-Medical course that we will consider, please see our Entry Requirements page for further details of these.
Read more about pre-medical courses >
I am a graduate, what qualifications and grades do I need?
You should hold, or expect to hold, a first or upper second-class science degree that demonstrates an adequate knowledge of biology and chemistry. As part of your academic assessment, you will be asked to supply a transcript of your degree.
If you are unsure whether we would regard your particular degree as having sufficient Biology and Chemistry content, please send copies of your transcripts via email to medadmissions@bsms.ac.uk and we will advise you of your eligibility.
We will also require graduates to hold three A-levels (at least BBB), to include Biology and Chemistry, as well as to meet our GCSE requirements – see above.
Will BSMS accept a 2:2 with an MSc in place of a 2:1 Honours degree for a graduate entry application?
Not at present.
I achieved my qualifications 10 or more years ago, can I apply?
All qualifications must have been obtained within 10 years of submitting a UCAS application. For example, applicants applying for 2026 entry, must have achieved their qualification no earlier than August 2016.
International Qualifications
Will BSMS accept my international qualifications?
See international qualifications >
Applicants with adjusted offers
What is an adjusted offer?
We are committed to ensuring that the NHS workforce is representative of the population. To encourage greater diversity, we acknowledge that not everyone has the same support, access, and opportunities. There are a number of different factors that we consider alongside academic attainment that are indicators of opportunity that we consider when determining adjusted offers.
What are the adjusted offers?
For applicants that meet at least one criterion from the three different sections, we reduce the academic requirements. We reserve 30% of our interviews for applicants with an adjusted offer and we consider the UCAT scores from such applicants separately from the wider applicant pool.
See here for further information >
How do you assess whether I am eligible for an adjusted offer?
All applicants will be contacted and invited to upload documents that evidence one or more points from the contextual data criteria. In addition to any evidence you provide, we will also use information you provide on your UCAS application form, such as your postcode and previous educational establishments.
If you are unsure whether you meet the an adjusted offer criteria, please see here for further information or feel free to email us via medadmissions@bsms.ac.uk