Search Search Results You could also try: partisan (1), following (772), political (105), biased (55), taking sides (67) Supporting your learning DescriptionInformation about the range of help and support on offer to students at BSMS, including our IT resources, the CAPSULE appUrl/undergraduate/supporting-your-learning/index.aspx Fees, funding and student support DescriptionFind out more about the fees, funding and student support for the undergraduate course at BSMS as part of our virtualUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/fees-funding-and-student-support.aspx UK-Korea Symposium_Dementia Support policy & LTCI -symposium(England)_Aejung Yoo DescriptionUK-Korea Symposium_Dementia Support policy & LTCI -symposium(England)_Aejung YooUrl/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/uk-korea-symposium-dementia-support-policy-ltci-symposiumengland-aejung-yoo.pdf Support & Emergency contact info - over Holiday period Dec 2020 DescriptionSupport & Emergency contact info - over Holiday period Dec 2020Url/_word-docs/about/support & emergency contact info - over holiday period dec 2020.docx Support and governance DescriptionAt BSMS, you can be sure to get all the the support you need to develop your research – including help withUrl/research/support-and-governance/index.aspx Supporting Care Workers in COVID DescriptionSupporting Care Workers in COVID is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project between the University of Kent and BSMSUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/public-health/supporting care workers/index.aspx New study supports the use of digital learning resource in undergraduate medical education DescriptionA new cross-sectional study finds positive early evidence to support the use of the mobile learning application CAPSULE in undergraduateUrl/about/news/2020/09-30-new-study-supports-the-use-of-digital-learning-resource-in-undergraduate-medical-education.aspx BSMS projects given funding with JCRO support DescriptionThe Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO) has been supporting applications by its partner organisations, which includes BSMS, in response to COVIDUrl/about/news/2020/05-28-bsms-projects-given-funding-with-jcro-support.aspx New website launched to support people with HIV experiencing memory and thinking challenges DescriptionResearchers at BSMS launch, a new website designed to support people living with HIV who are experiencing memory orUrl/about/news/2024/11-27-new-website-launched-to-support-people-with-hiv-experiencing-memory-and-thinking-challenges.aspx How does social care support older adults' food and drink-related needs/outcomes? DescriptionThis study, funded by NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Kent, explores food and drinkUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/social-care-support-older-adults.aspx 1 to 10 of 998 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next