Search Search Results You could also try: medicine (904), pills (8), tablets (26), drug (240), prescription (35) Can doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge? DescriptionCan doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge?Url/about/news/2018/07-03-can-doctors-identify-older-patients-at-risk-of-medication-harm-following-hospital-discharge.aspx Tool predicts risk of medication-related harm in older people after leaving hospital DescriptionA new tool has been developed to assess the likelihood of an older adult who is discharged from hospital suffering from medication-rUrl/about/news/2019/09-19-tool-predicts-risk-of-medication-related-harm-in-older-people-after-leaving-hospital.aspx Naomi Burns DescriptionNaomi Burns is a Clinical Teaching Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/naomi-burns.aspx One in three older adults experience harm from medicines DescriptionUp to 37% of older patients experience medication-related harm following hospital discharge, a new study showsUrl/about/news/2018/05-22-one-in-three-older-adults-experience-harm-from-medicines.aspx Dr Khalid Ali DescriptionDr Khalid Ali is a Reader in Geriatrics at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-khalid-ali.aspx BMJO Hepmarc Protocol DescriptionBMJO Hepmarc ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/bmjo hepmarc protocol.pdf The harms of prescribing: Polypharmacy, Deprescribing, and conducting research at medical school DescriptionIn May's monthly lecture, Harmanleen Singh will discuss how prescribing medications can cause harms in patients with a high medication burdenUrl/about/events/2024/05-03-the-harms-of-prescribing-polypharmacy-deprescribing-and-conducting-research-at-medical-school.aspx ACACIA Study DescriptionThe ACACIA Study aims to investigate health-related quality of life and cognition in people with HIV and cognitive impairment.Url/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/acacia-study.aspx Researchers win national patient safety award DescriptionResearchers based at BSMS and BSUHT have won a national Health Service Journal Patient Safety award for their ground-breaking toolUrl/about/news/2020/11-13-researchers-win-national-patient-safety-award.aspx BSMS Mag Autumn 2018 Low DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn Winter 2018Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2018-low.pdf 1 to 10 of 100 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next