Search Search Results You could also try: edge (44), brim (2) Loud and clear: clear facemasks and visors needed for deaf and hearing impaired people DescriptionBSMS Reader calls for all schools and universities to be aware of the need for clear face masks or PPE forUrl/about/news/2020/06-17-clear-facemasks-and-visors-needed-for-deaf-and-hearing-impaired-people.aspx OM posters combined DescriptionOtitis Media Posters CombinedUrl/_pdf/about/events/om-posters-combined.pdf Carers Week 2021 – Making caring visible and valued for genetic conditions through creative writing DescriptionCarers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contributionsUrl/about/news/2021/06-07-carers-week-2021-making-caring-visible-and-valued-for-genetic-conditions-through-creative-writing.aspx Poetry in Medicine DescriptionPoetry in MedicineUrl/_pdf/undergraduate/poetry-in-medicine.pdf 1 to 4 of 4