Search Search Results You could also try: new (823), tentative (3), untried (2), trial (328) How we can help DescriptionInformation on how we can help with clinical trial development, trial set-up, trial conduct, and trial analysis, reporting and closeUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/how-we-can-help.aspx BS CTU Collaboration Pro Forma v5.0 - 18 May 16 DescriptionBS CTU Collaboration Pro FormaUrl/_word-docs/bs-ctu-collaboration-pro-forma-v5.0-18-may-16.docx CTU-proforma DescriptionCTU proformaUrl/_word-docs/ctu-proforma.docx Clinical Trials Management CPD course DescriptionThe Clinical Trials Management CPD Single Module at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/single-modules-as-cpd/clinical-trials-management-cpd-course.aspx Brighton and Sussex CTU DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) has been established in order to provide support and expertise for clinical researchersUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/index.aspx Registration awarded to Clinical Trials Unit DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit is awarded provisional registration from the UK Clinical Research Collaboration Registered CTUs NetworkUrl/about/news/2018/07-18-registration-awarded-to-clinical-trials-unit.aspx BMJO Hepmarc Protocol DescriptionBMJO Hepmarc ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/bmjo hepmarc protocol.pdf Mukhopadhyay et al Trials 2016 17_541 DescriptionMukhopadhyay et al Trials 2016 17_541Url/_pdf/ctu/mukhopadhyay-et-al-trials-2016-17-541.pdf Sponsorship of ResearchDRAFT web text v1 DescriptionSponsorship of ResearchDRAFT web text v1Url/_word-docs/sponsorship-of-researchdraft-web-text-v1.docx Protocol template for non CTIMPs 2.0 130422 DescriptionQuantitative Protocol Development Tool for non CTIMPsUrl/_word-docs/protocol-template-for-non-ctimps-2.0-130422.docx 1 to 10 of 22 Previous 1 2 3 Next