Search Search Results You could also try: near (87), nearby (15), current (578), contemporary (46), present-day (4), existing (233), gift (24) Our current studies DescriptionWe are currently involved in three studies at the Centre for Dementia Studies.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/our-current-studies.aspx Staff spotlight DescriptionAs part of our BSMS20 celebrations, hear from some of our staff, both past and present.Url/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/staff-spotlight.aspx Developing researchers and engaging communities in health and social care research DescriptionResearchers from Kent, Surrey and Sussex came together in May for an event to develop and engage communities in health andUrl/about/news/2024/05-22-developing-researchers-and-engaging-communities-in-health-and-social-care-research.aspx In Focus - Madeleine Grand DescriptionRead our student interview with Madeleine GrandUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-madeleine-grand.aspx Dr Mei Trueba DescriptionDr Mei Trueba is a Senior Lecturer in International Development and Global Health at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-mei-trueba.aspx Hub School Information for 22-23 (website) DescriptionInformation poster for Brighton and Sussex Medical School Hub schoolsUrl/_pdf/about/hub-school-information-for-22-23-website.pdf BSMS launches new anatomy interface app DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) launches the Anatomy Laboratory Interface (ALI) to assist students with their remote learning of anatomyUrl/about/news/2021/01-07-bsms-launches-new-anatomy-interface-app.aspx Anti-Racist Practice in Medical Education: Pedagogy and Research DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is pleased to announce its first conference aimed at sharing Anti-Racist Practice in MedicalUrl/about/events/2021/09-24-anti-racist-practice-in-medical-education-pedagogy-and-research.aspx Local medical school brings innovation to surgery training during Covid DescriptionThe anatomy team at BSMS have been awarded a grant to create and deliver surgical training using live streaming, virtual realityUrl/about/news/2021/02-24-local-medical-school-brings-innovation-to-surgery-training-during-covid.aspx SHOUTING and spelling mistakes make online health information appear less trustworthy DescriptionShouting and spelling mistakes add together to make online health information appear doubly less trustworthy, a new study at BSMS findsUrl/about/news/2020/06-10-shouting-and-spelling-mistakes-make-online-health-information-appear-less-trustworthy.aspx 71 to 80 of 419 Previous … 6 7 8 9 10 … Next