Search Search Results You could also try: jointly (66), mutually (9), collectively (14), simultaneously (16), concurrently (8), composed (4) Health Education Conference DescriptionThe Health Education Conference run by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/short-courses-and-workshops/health-education-conference.aspx A decade of consciousness science at Sussex DescriptionTen years on from its founding, the Sackler Centre looks back on a successful first decade and forward to even greaterUrl/about/news/2020/04-24-a-decade-of-consciousness-science-at-sussex.aspx BSMS Mag Spring 2018 web version FINAL DescriptionBSMS Pulse Spring Summer 2018Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-spring-2018-web-version-final.pdf Further particulars Clinical Practice Facilitator 101_201 DescriptionFurther Particulars Clinical Practice Facilitator 101_201Url/_pdf/about/further-particulars-clinical-practice-facilitator-101-201.pdf Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub DescriptionThe new Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub has been created to strengthen our expanding community of talented and innovativeUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/sussex-health-and-care-research-training-hub.aspx Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning DescriptionInformation about studying and applying for a Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning postgraduate degree at BSMS.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/healthcare-leadership-and-commissioning.aspx New £42m funding for net zero research hubs across the UK Description£42m is being invested in game-changing research hubs designed to accelerate the UK's journey to net zero.Url/about/news/2025/03-03-new-funding-for-net-zero-research-hubs-across-the-uk.aspx Research Networks and Facilities DescriptionOur research networks at BSMS enhance our research by providing a focus for emerging and well-established research strengths.Url/research/research-facilities/research-networks-and-facilities.aspx Sensory and Motor Neuroscience DescriptionSensory and motor neuroscience at BSMS encompasses research into pain, audition, and motor systems.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/sensory-and-motor-neuroscience.aspx Research DescriptionCISC is a cross-disciplinary centre with researchers from BSMS and the Schools of Psychology, Life Sciences, and Informatics at theUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research/index.aspx 61 to 70 of 359 Previous … 5 6 7 8 9 … Next