Search Search Results You could also try: point towards (69), designate (41), specify (159), show (438), signify (5), denote (5) What to expect during your Multiple Mini Interview DescriptionGuidance sheet for MMI interviewsUrl/_pdf/about/what-to-expect-during-your-multiple-mini-interview.pdf Bisexual people experience worse health outcomes than other adults in England, national study finds DescriptionBisexual adults report poorer physical and mental health outcomes compared to any other sexuality, new study led by BSMS finds.Url/about/news/2023/07-25-bisexual-people-experience-worse-health-outcomes-than-other-adults-in-england-national-study-finds.aspx Pre-disposition to dementia can be countered by a lifetime of learning, socialising and exercise, says 60-year study DescriptionDementia can be avoided or delayed, even among those more pre-disposed to the condition, claims a new study based onUrl/about/news/2022/08-04-pre-disposition-to-dementia-can-be-countered-by-a-lifetime-of-learning-socialising-and-exercise.aspx SHARE conference abstracts 2022 DescriptionSHARE conference abstracts 2022Url/_pdf/about/events/share-conference-abstracts-2022.pdf 7. Advance Care Planning Toolkit_final DescriptionMy Care Matters, researched and developed a prototype Advance Care Planning Toolkit for people on end of life careUrl/_pdf/cds/dcin/7.-advance-care-planning-toolkit-final.pdf 5.Pop Up Hubs_final DescriptionWorthing Dementia Action Alliance ran pop-up information hubs in a variety of settings to provide information on local services andUrl/_pdf/cds/dcin/5.pop-up-hubs-final.pdf DCIN reports 7. Advance Care Planning Toolkit_final DescriptionDCIN report 7Url/_word-docs/cds/dcin-reports-7.-advance-care-planning-toolkit-final.docx DCIN reports 5.Pop Up Hubs_final DescriptionDCIN report 5Url/_word-docs/cds/dcin-reports-5.pop-up-hubs-final.docx Education DescriptionThe HEESE SDS Dementia Care Programme develops the skills needed by healthcare staff to enable people with dementia to lead aUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/education.aspx MMI candidate guidance DescriptionMMI remote interview guidanceUrl/_pdf/undergraduate/mmi-remote-interview-guidance.pdf 61 to 70 of 204 Previous … 5 6 7 8 9 … Next