Search Search Results You could also try: supposed (13), thought (425), whispered (2), alleged (4), held (420), understood (812) Using virtual reality to navigate difficult conversations DescriptionA leading expert at BSMS has contributed to a pioneering initiative to develop software that could help doctors in navigating difficultUrl/about/news/2023/06-27-using-virtual-reality-to-navigate-difficult-conversations.aspx Simulation in medical school helps prepare doctors to care for dying patients DescriptionSimulated experience of caring for a dying patient can improve the confidence and preparedness of medical students according to a newUrl/about/news/2022/08-09-simulation-in-medical-school-helps-prepare-doctors-to-care-for-dying-patients.aspx Good sleep continuity leads to better days for people with dementia DescriptionNight-to-night variations in sleep predict day-to-day variations in symptoms of dementia, according to a new studyUrl/about/news/2022/05-16-good-sleep-continuity-leads-to-better-days-for-people-with-dementia.aspx BSMS researcher receives prestigious fellowship DescriptionA researcher has been awarded a prestigious national fellowship, recognising him as a rising star in his field.Url/about/news/2020/10-15-bsms-researcher-receives-prestigious-fellowship.aspx £3.5m foundation launched in Brighton to fight tropical diseases DescriptionA new foundation to end the neglect of three tropical disease has been launched at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMSUrl/about/news/2020/01-30-multi-million-pound-foundation-launched-in-brighton-to-fight-tropical-diseases.aspx SHOUTING and spelling mistakes make online health information appear less trustworthy DescriptionShouting and spelling mistakes add together to make online health information appear doubly less trustworthy, a new study at BSMS findsUrl/about/news/2020/06-10-shouting-and-spelling-mistakes-make-online-health-information-appear-less-trustworthy.aspx Sarah Garfinkel Interoceptions and anxiety DescriptionSarah Garfinkel Interoceptions and anxietyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/sarah-garfinkel-interoceptions-and-anxiety.pdf Social media could be a force for good in tackling depression but for privacy concerns DescriptionSocial media has been identified by a number of studies as being a significant factor in mental health problems, especially inUrl/about/news/2019/12-03-social-media-could-be-a-force-for-good-in-tackling-depression-but-for-privacy-concerns.aspx Smiling doesn't necessarily mean you're happy DescriptionSmiling does not necessarily indicate that we are happy, according to new research at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/news/2018/09-07-smiling-does-not-necessarily-mean-you-are-happy.aspx First international conference for little known disabling NTD 'which could be prevented by shoes' DescriptionThe First International Podoconiosis Conference calls on health leaders to unite in tackling the little known but devastating conditionUrl/about/news/2018/09-26-first-international-conference-for-little-known-disabling-ntd-which-could-be-prevented-by-shoes.aspx 61 to 70 of 179 Previous … 5 6 7 8 9 … Next