Search Search Results You could also try: stay (131), stay put (35), stay behind (16), wait (86), continue (412) REDUCe DescriptionInformation about the REDUCe study current supported by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/reduce.aspx Take Me With You: a museum of friendship, remembrance and loss DescriptionThis event is the latest in our Ethics and Performance series of lectures and seminars.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2016-02-18-take-me-with-you.aspx Additional patient info post COVID CISC DescriptionAdditional patient info post COVID CISCUrl/_pdf/cisc/additional patient info post covid cisc.pdf DSA - UoS Controller v UoB Processor - research storage August 2020 - FINAL signed DescriptionDSA - UoS Controller v UoB Processor - research storage August 2020 - FINAL signedUrl/_pdf/about/dsa-uos-controller-v-uob-processor-research-storage-august-2020-final-signed.pdf The Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society is Brighton's historic medical society.Url/about/brighton-and-sussex-medico-chirurgical-society.aspx Take Me With You: a museum of friendship, remembrance and loss DescriptionThis event is the latest in our Ethics and Performance series of lectures and seminars.Url/about/events/2016/02-18-take-me-with-you.aspx Screening for ovarian cancer may save lives, new study suggests DescriptionNew results from an ovarian cancer screening trial, led by UCL, suggests that screening may help reduce the number of deathsUrl/about/news/2015/12-17-screening-for-ovarian-cancer-may-save-lives-new-study-suggests.aspx New anatomy syllabus launched for training doctors DescriptionA new syllabus for teaching anatomy in medical schools has been launched today by the Anatomical Society, published in the JournalUrl/about/news/2015/11-27-new-anatomy-syllabus-launched-for-training-doctors.aspx Sussex REN Community Researcher Project Findings July 2024 DescriptionProject report for the Sussex REN community research projectUrl/_pdf/research/hrp/sussex-ren-community-researcher-project-findings-july-2024.pdf Hastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hastings-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf 51 to 60 of 219 Previous … 4 5 6 7 8 … Next