Search Search Results You could also try: possibility (72), probability (9), likelihood (31), opening (593), ability (250), opportunity (660), luck (15) Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2021/06-26-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2021/06-12-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Research integrated DescriptionMedicine is constantly evolving as evidence is gathered and understood. To become a successful doctor, you need to be involved inUrl/undergraduate/why-choose-bsms/research-integrated.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2021/06-25-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Virtual Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2021/06-11-virtual-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx BSMS Social Science Forum: Navigating 'Ethics in Practice': an Ethnographic Case Study with Young Women Living with HIV in Zambia DescriptionIntroducing the BSMS Social Science Forum series, a new series of events for 2021Url/about/events/2021/03-25-bsms-social-science-forum-navigating-ethics-in-practice.aspx Postgraduate open day DescriptionThis virtual open day is a great way to find out more about some of the postgraduate courses at BSMS.Url/about/events/2021/03-02-postgraduate-open-day.aspx Postgraduate open evening DescriptionThis virtual open evening is a great way to find out more about some of the postgraduate courses at BSMS.Url/about/events/2021/02-10-postgraduate-open-evening.aspx Dementia Research Conference DescriptionPlease join us for a day of fascinating talks on the latest in dementia research hosted by Dr Naji TabetUrl/about/events/2021/02-03-dementia-research-conference.aspx The amazing world of inside your body DescriptionThe amazing world of inside your body - explore what happens in COVID and other conditionsUrl/about/events/2020/10-26-the-amazing-world-of-inside-your-body.aspx 51 to 60 of 189 Previous … 4 5 6 7 8 … Next