Search Search Results You could also try: knowledge (503), acquaintance (1), awareness (229), ease (36), expertise (392), fluency (6) C-DEMQOL self-report format FINAL DescriptionC-DEMQOL self-report format FINALUrl/_pdf/cds/c-demqol-self-report-format-final.pdf C-DEMQOL researcher administered FINAL DescriptionC-DEMQOL researcher administered FINALUrl/_pdf/cds/c-demqol-researcher-administered-final.pdf Fourth year perspectives DescriptionFind out what our fourth year students have to say about studying medicine at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/our-students/fourth-year-perspectives.aspx Climate Change and Mental Health DescriptionThe project aims to explore the impact of climate change on mental health in coastal communities in the Southeast of EnglandUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/climate-change-and-mental-health.aspx Time for Dementia DescriptionRead more about the award-winning Time for Dementia programme at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/time-for-dementia/time-for-dementia.aspx VIVALDI ASCOT & Ethnography DescriptionVIVALDI ASCOT & Ethnography aims to understand how outbreaks of COVID-19 & other outbreaks impact the experience & quality of life of peopleUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/vivaldi-ascot-and-ethnography.aspx How does social care support older adults' food and drink-related needs/outcomes? DescriptionThis study, funded by NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Kent, explores food and drinkUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/social-care-support-older-adults.aspx In Focus - Madeleine Grand DescriptionRead our student interview with Madeleine GrandUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-madeleine-grand.aspx In Focus - Amelia Duggan DescriptionRead our student interview with Amelia DugganUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-amelia-duggan.aspx In Focus - Peter Preston DescriptionRead our student interview with Peter PrestonUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-peter-preston.aspx 41 to 50 of 489 Previous … 3 4 5 6 7 … Next