Search Search Results You could also try: choice (178), result (487), conclusion (61), pronouncement (1), judgment (38), determination (23) Management of Long Term Conditions in Children Module Handbook 2023-24 26.10.23 DescriptionModule handbook for management of long term conditions in children in the paediatrics in child health courseUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/management-of-long-term-conditions-in-children-module-handbook-2023-24-26.10.23.pdf MDM160 Module Handbook Jan24 DescriptionMDM160 Module Handbook Jan24Url/_pdf/postgraduate/course-application-handbooks/mdm160-module-handbook-jan24.pdf Diabetes in Primary Care - Application Handbook 2024-25 DescriptionDiabetes in Primary Care - Application Handbook 2024-25Url/_pdf/postgraduate/course-application-handbooks/diabetes-in-primary-care-application-handbook-2024-25.pdf Pioneering Code of Practice released for use of stem cell-based embryo models in research DescriptionA group of experts, including BSMS's Prof Bobbie Farsides have produced UK guidelines for the generation & use of stem cell-basedUrl/about/news/2024/07-04-pioneering-code-of-practice-released-for-use-of-stem-cell-based-embryo-models-in-research.aspx Researchers consult with citizens about 'unlocking health data' DescriptionResearchers at BSMS are involved in a project that consults with citizens on unlocking health data.Url/about/news/2023/01-30-researchers-consult-with-citizens-about-unlocking-health-data.aspx BSMS-based documentary My Dead Body to air in December DescriptionMy Dead Body, a pioneering documentary partly filmed at BSMS, is due to be broadcast in early December on Channel 4Url/about/news/2022/11-09-bsms-based-documentary-my-dead-body-to-air-in-december.aspx Ethics conference 2020 DescriptionFind out more and watch the videos from our ethics conference 2020.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-conference-2020.aspx Leg It – highlighting the importance of healthy leg movement DescriptionLeg It – highlighting the importance of healthy leg movement, part of the Brighton Fringe FestivalUrl/about/events/2020/05-26-leg-it-highlighting-the-importance-of-healthy-leg-movement.aspx The heart of the matter - getting to know some cardiac facts DescriptionThe heart of the matter - getting to know some cardiac facts, with the anatomy team at BSMSUrl/about/events/2020/05-21-the-heart-of-the-matter.aspx How to be Autistic - Ethics in Performance DescriptionJoin author Charlotte Poe for a discussion on why autism is a fundamental aspect of her identity and art with ProfessorUrl/about/events/2020/05-20-how-to-be-autistic.aspx 41 to 50 of 265 Previous … 3 4 5 6 7 … Next