Search Search Results You could also try: provide (1000), offer (490), present (419), grant (262) Research Staff and Early Career Researchers DescriptionBSMS is dedicated to supporting the development of its research staff, including post-doctoral researchers, research fellows and Early Career ResearchersUrl/research/early-career-researchers.aspx REDUCe2 DescriptionInformation about the REDUCe2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/reduce2.aspx HeartRater DescriptionHeartRater: Clinical. Optimizing ADIE therapy for the treatment of anxiety in underserved populationsUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/heartrater.aspx BSMS honorary titles committee handbook DescriptionBSMS Honorary Titles HandbookUrl/_word-docs/about/honorary-contract-and-status/bsms-honorary-titles-committee-handbook.docx Staff spotlight: Joanna Harrison DescriptionMeet Joanna Harrison, Clinical Assessment Manager.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/joanna-harrison.aspx Time for Autism DescriptionTime for Autism is a ground-breaking education programme that aims to transform healthcare for autistic people and medical students atUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/time-for-autism/time-for-autism.aspx ACACIA Study DescriptionThe ACACIA Study aims to investigate health-related quality of life and cognition in people with HIV and cognitive impairment.Url/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/acacia-study.aspx CORAL Study DescriptionThe CORAL Study (Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine Real World Experience) aims to increase understanding of the effectiveness of injectable HIV treatmentUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/coral-study.aspx Graduation ceremony marks 20 years for BSMS DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) held its much-anticipated summer graduation ceremony with the University of Brighton on Friday 12Url/about/news/2024/07-19-graduation-ceremony-marks-20-years-for-bsms.aspx BSMS awarded Athena Swan Gold Award DescriptionBSMS is recognised for its commitment to gender equality in higher education and research by achieving the Gold Award as partUrl/about/news/2023/12-07-bsms-awarded-athena-swan-gold-award.aspx 401 to 410 of 677 Previous … 39 40 41 42 43 … Next