Search Search Results You could also try: contribution (197), input (71), sharing (472), partaking (3), involvement (206), membership (57) RGEC Consent for Interview Template (BSMS) December 2020 v1 DescriptionRGEC Consent for Interview Template (BSMS) December 2020 v1Url/_word-docs/rgec-consent-for-interview-template-bsms-december-2020-v1.docx Worldwide demand for virtual work experience scheme DescriptionMore than 2,000 people have signed up for a new virtual work experience scheme developed by BSMS since the programmeUrl/about/news/2020/04-16-worldwide-demand-for-virtual-work-experience-scheme.aspx Increased places to open up medical career options to those from disadvantaged backgrounds DescriptionIncreased places to open up medical career options to those from disadvantaged backgroundsUrl/about/news/2018/03-19-increased-places-to-open-up-medical-career-options-to-those-from-disadvantaged-backgrounds.aspx ILS_Resuscitation_Spring_Summer_2015 DescriptionILS resuscitation flyerUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/cpd-workshops/ils-resuscitation-spring-summer-2015.pdf 7 things to do before the UCAS deadline DescriptionMatt Cowdock, BSMS Student Recruitment Coordinator, reveals 7 top things to do ahead of the UCAS application deadline on 15 OctoberUrl/about/news/2020/08-27-seven-things-to-do-before-the-ucas-deadline.aspx EPPIGEN Creating health and wellbeing report DescriptionEPPIGEN Creating health and wellbeing reportUrl/_pdf/research/eppigen-creating-health-and-wellbeing-report.pdf BSMS Athena SWAN bronze dept application with action plan DescriptionBSMS Athena SWAN bronze department aware applicationUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-athena-swan-bronze-dept-application-with-action-plan.pdf Charlotte Smyrk DescriptionCharlotte Smyrk is Senior Widening Participation, Outreach and Recruitment Officer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/charlotte-smyrk.aspx SHCRP PCIE DescriptionThe PCIE are a team of volunteers who provide public advice and input to the Sussex Health & Care Research Partnership throughUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/shcrp-pcie.aspx Abstinence challenges and longer-term behaviour change DescriptionResearch into abstinence campaigns, why people engage, how they make use of campaign resources, and the consequences for health and wellbeingUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/public-health-psychology-and-prevention/abstinence-challenges-and-longer-term-behaviour-change.aspx 31 to 40 of 207 Previous … 2 3 4 5 6 … Next