Search Search Results You could also try: eager (9), thrilled (27), animated (10), energized (7), agitated (2), provoked (24) Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub news DescriptionThe latest news from the Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub.Url/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/sussex-health-and-care-research-training-hub-news.aspx Fifth year perspectives DescriptionFind out what our fifth year students have to say about studying medicine at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/our-students/fifth-year-perspectives.aspx Multiprofessional Fellowship Simulation Programme DescriptionThe new Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme is supported by Health Education England working across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEEKSS) and managed byUrl/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/bespoke-training-and-commission/multiprofessional-fellowship-programme.aspx 2024 Time for Dementia (Autumn) Description2024 Time for Dementia (Autumn)Url/_pdf/cds/2024-time-for-dementia-autumn.pdf Reflections on retirement from the Dean DescriptionProf Malcolm Reed reflects on his time as Dean, looking back at some of the achievements, challenges and what his retirementUrl/about/news/2024/07-31-reflections-on-retirement-from-the-dean.aspx Sussex Clinical Academic Conference 2024 DescriptionSussex Clinical Academic Conference 2024Url/_pdf/research/hrp/sussex-clinical-academic-conference-2024.pdf Research degrees DescriptionBSMS offers research degrees including PhD, MPhil and MDUrl/postgraduate/research-degrees/index.aspx MP on the frontline DescriptionWelcome Lecture and Dinner with Guest Speaker Dr Rosena Allin-Khan.Url/about/events/2022/10-20-mp-on-the-frontline.aspx Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme DescriptionThe launch event for our new Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme - a collaboration between HEE KSS, participating trusts and BSMS.Url/about/events/2021/11-25-multiprofessional-fellowship-programme.aspx BSMS Alumnus receives Wellcome Trust funding to do a PhD in bioethics DescriptionDr Josh Parker discusses his recent Wellcome Trust funding to do a PhD in bioethics at Lancaster University.Url/about/news/2021/07-26-bsms-alumnus-receives-wellcome-trust-funding-to-do-a-phd-in-bioethics.aspx 31 to 40 of 188 Previous … 2 3 4 5 6 … Next