Search Search Results You could also try: expire (9), pass away (86), stop working (103), go dead (14), break down (66), fail (142) Acute & Emergency Paediatrics DescriptionMDM158 Module spec Acute & Emergency PaediatricsUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/2018/acute-emergency-paediatrics.doc Anatomist and TV presenter awarded with honorary degree DescriptionProfessor Alice Roberts, clinical anatomist, author and broadcaster, has become an honorary Doctor of Medicine at this year's graduation.Url/about/news/2015/07-17-anatomist-and-tv-presenter-awarded-with-honorary-degree.aspx My route into medical school and why failing my A-levels was the best thing that happened to me DescriptionYear 1 student Enya Costin reveals why her route into medical school was not simple and why failing her A-levelsUrl/about/news/2021/07-23-my-route-into-medical-school-and-why-failing-my-a-levels-was-the-best-thing-that-happened-to-me.aspx Jane The Double Jeopardy DescriptionJane The Double JeopardyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/jane-the-double-jeopardy.pdf links article DescriptionLinks article Pulse magazine for training and awareness in global healthUrl/_pdf/research/links-article.pdf BSMS Mag Autumn 2019 web DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn 2019 webUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2019-web.pdf Pulse Autumn 2017 DescriptionPulse Autumn 2017Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/pulse-autumn-2017.pdf What is a good death? Decolonising end-of-life care DescriptionBook now for Prof Shahaduz Zaman's inaugural lecture: 'What is a good death? Decolonising end-of-life care'.Url/about/events/2025/02-19-prof-shahaduz-zaman-inaugural-lecture.aspx Infectious diseases DescriptionA diverse group of researchers are working on infection to understand the immunological, genetic, pathogenic or environmental factors play in diseaseUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/infectious-diseases.aspx Anatomy team attend RTS awards and documentary shortlisted for BAFTAs DescriptionThe BSMS anatomy team attended the prestigious Royal Television Society awards on 28 March for their role in the My DeadUrl/about/news/2023/03-31-anatomy-team-attend-rts-awards-and-documentary-shortlisted-for-baftas.aspx 31 to 40 of 107 Previous … 2 3 4 5 6 … Next