Search Search Results You could also try: limit (211), threshold (16), snapping point (1) Covid-19 updates for staff and students DescriptionThis page will feature regular updates from BSMS on the latest return to campus updates for staff and students.Url/about/working-here/covid-updates-for-staff-and-students.aspx My route into medical school and why failing my A-levels was the best thing that happened to me DescriptionYear 1 student Enya Costin reveals why her route into medical school was not simple and why failing her A-levelsUrl/about/news/2021/07-23-my-route-into-medical-school-and-why-failing-my-a-levels-was-the-best-thing-that-happened-to-me.aspx Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub DescriptionThe new Sussex Health and Care Research Training Hub has been created to strengthen our expanding community of talented and innovativeUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/sussex-health-and-care-research-training-hub.aspx Entry requirements DescriptionA full list of entry requirements for admission to the Brighton and Sussex Medical School including GCSEs, A Levels and InternationalUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/entry-requirements.aspx Admissions FAQs DescriptionFrequently asked questions about BSMS admissions and entry requirementsUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/faqs-entry-requirements.aspx Contacts DescriptionRead more about our contacts at the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), including Prof Kevin Davies, Nicky Perry andUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/contacts.aspx TEL Blog DescriptionEvery month, the Technology Enhanced Learning team will post on a variety of topics surrounding the use of technology to supportUrl/about/tel/tel-blog.aspx MRes Course Handbook 22-23 DescriptionCourse Handbook for MRes Postgraduate CourseUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/course-application-handbooks/mres-course-handbook-22-23.pdf Inspirational women: Dr Natalie Edelman DescriptionMeet Dr Natalie Edelman, as part of our 'inspirational women of BSMS' seriesUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-natalie-edelman.aspx Inspirational women: Dr Julia Montgomery DescriptionMeet Dr Julia Montgomery, former Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Director of Assessment and Feedback at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-julia-montgomery.aspx 31 to 40 of 72 Previous … 2 3 4 5 6 … Next